Academic Advising Department

College advisor meeting with students is part of overall page design.

Welcome to the Academic Advising Department!

We support your success by helping you create an education plan based on your BC Pathway. Your BC pathway helps you choose a broad academic or career goal based on your strengths and interests. We work to meet the diverse needs our all our students by teaching, learning, and getting to know you.

Need access to the education plan you created with your Academic Advisor? Log into your Education Plan Portal!

Please Note: There will be no drop-in on Wednesday, January 15th.

We will resume drop-in on Tuesday, January 21st.

Drop-In Advising Schedule:

Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

In-person in U101 or virtually with a phone call.

You may see a message to return at 8 am the next day but please disregard that message. We only offer drop-in during the days and hours listed above.

Please note:

Drop-in sign ups close 20 minutes prior to the end time.

Due to volume, the queue for drop-in may close early when we are at capacity.

What Is Drop-In Advising For?

Drop-in Advising sessions are designed to assist you with the following types of quick questions:

  • General and what-if questions about enrollment and registration
  • Course questions
  • One-quarter plan
  • ctcLink questions
  • Registration questions
  • Transfer questions and resources
  • Student resource questions
  • Personal questions that may impact academic success

Drop-in Advising is not intended to take the place of an appointment, for example, in instances of crafting a full education plan or discussion of in-depth academic and/or personal concerns (such as an academic performance plan). If you do come to drop-in advising with circumstances that are outside of the scope of a quick interaction, we will assist you with what we can and show you how to schedule an appointment with your designated Pathway and/or New Student/Exploratory academic advisor, as well as connect/refer you to other BC resources.

How Do I Sign Up For Drop-In Advising?

Students can click the links below to be added to the Drop-In list through QLESS.

Please Note: Drop-in advising for students enrolled in selective admission programs OR bachelor’s programs at Bellevue College should take place with the program manager and/or program chair for that specific program. The Academic Advising Department is unable to advise for BC selective admission programs or BC bachelors programs.

Future Students: Exploring – Not Yet Admitted

New Students: Completed Admission

Currently Enrolled and Returning Students