There are a number of resources and programs that are available to you for all types of assistance. These resources can be a good way to gather information on a variety of issues. The Bellevue College counselors have compiled several resource pages that we have found helpful for students. As with any internet site, please use your best judgment in evaluating information contained on these sites or any site that you access.
Everyone experience stress, sadness and anxiety from time to time. If you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or unable to do the things you once enjoyed, it may be time to assess your emotional health. If you are concerned about yourself or someone you care about, take a few minutes to complete a free anonymous online screening test for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, alcohol and eating disorders.
If you are a mental health professional and want to be added to our community resource list or would like to provide information about your services, please email or call 425.564.5747.
Virtual Accountability Support Group from the Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Virtual Productivity PowerHour and Pomodoro Technique Support Group from the Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Free planners and calendars for time management Assistance
Adjustment to College Life – Pamphlets from the University of Illinois
32 of the Best Ways to Get Organized When You Have ADHD
Study Skills – resources listed on this site offer practical information and tips on developing good study skills.
Khan Academy – With a library of over 2,700 videos, this site covers everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and has over 273 practice examples to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
Bellevue College Academic Success Center (for registered BC students) – individual tutoring for students who are earning a C or below and are at risk of not being successful in their class. Drop-in tutoring schedules for students in ABE, ASL, Accounting, Biology, Business 145, Chemistry, Chinese, Computer Science, Engineering, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Math 130, Philosophy, Physics, Programming, Psychology, and Spanish classes. Math and English drop-in tutoring is also available in the Disability Resource Center and the Student Programs office.
Western e-Tutoring Consortium (for registered BC students) – Bellevue College’s new online tutoring Synchronous and asynchronous help is available for students enrolled in Accounting, Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Math (developmental through Calculus), Microsoft Office, Physics, Spanish, Statistics, and Writing.
General Strategies and How to Cope with COVID-19
- Stress Resources
- IDMH COVID19 Community Stress Management Tip Sheet [PDF]
- WA State Coronavirus Response
- Coping with Stress and Anxiety Amidst COVID [PDF]
- Coping with Grief
- How to Respond to COVID-19 Racism
- National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) presentation on self-care during COVID
Multilingual COVID-19 Resources
- Recommendations from King County Health in different languages
- Information about COVID from the Center for Disease Control in different languages
- Information in Spanish
- Information in Spanish about nutrition for COVID-19 from Harvard
- Multilingual Resources for Stress Management During COVID-19
- See Multilingual resources at bottom of the webpage below
Helpful tips if you already struggled with mental health issues before the pandemic
- How to cope with uncertainty – American Foundation of Suicide Prevention
- How to manage anxiety and isolation during quarantine
- COVID-19 & Mental Health
Need financial support and assistance?
- Crisis Clinic – If you have a crisis and cannot reach the Counseling Center, call the 24 hour Crisis Clinic Hotline at (206) 461-3222 or 1-800-244-5767.
- Crisis Text Line – Free 24-hour crisis support via text message.
- Text HEAL to 741741 to get started
- Connections Kirkland – 24/7 Crisis Response Center
- Offering:
- Walk-in mental health care
- Crisis stabilization (23-hour observation)
- Extended stabilization, treatment, and evaluation
- Outpatient recovery services
- “We treat every person who comes to Connections, regardless of insurance or circumstance.”
- Offering:
- Child Abuse Hotline and Information – The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse. The hotline is staffed 24 hours daily with professional crisis counselors who utilize a database of thousands of emergency, social service and support resources.
- National Domestic Violence Hotline – The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a resource for victims of domestic violence as well as concerned friends and family.
- Suicide Warning Signs and What to Do [PDF]
- Responding to Student Mental Health [PDF] – Resource sheet for responding to student mental health with sample scripts
Bellevue College Title IX Office Title IX addresses concerns and provides protection from discrimination for faculty, staff and students and includes such things as: sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, gender-identity and pregnancy. It also prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes or participates in a complaint. The Title IX Office is here to support individuals while they are connected to campus.
Bellevue College Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention The GBVP Office is committed to ending gender-based violence on our campus and in our community. In an effort to create a campus culture that is safe, inclusive, and welcoming, the GBV Prevention Office provides prevention education, training, and tools for faculty, staff and students, and response services, information, and resources, to BC community members who have been affected dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
King County Sexual Assault Resource Center – 24-Hour Resource Line: 888-998-6423
Listing of Community and State Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Resources
National Sexual Assault Legal Hotline Legal help for individuals experiencing domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Lawyer – Natalie Roberts – Wechsler Becker
Ali Schwartz – Shelter Advocate
Cell: 425.902.7752
Domestic Abuse Women’s Network
PO Box 1449, Kent, WA 98035
221 W. Gowe, Kent, WA 98032-5809
Project Be Free – DV support group and legal advocacy
Suicide Warning Signs and What to Do [PDF] – Learn how to spot the warning signs and what to do if you suspect someone may be suicidal.
Tools for Supporting Students who seem At-Risk [PDF] – A great resource to help define what it means to be an “At-Risk” student. It is also a great reference for what to do if a student is in crisis in your classroom.
Responding to Student Mental Health [PDF] – Resource sheet for responding to student mental health with sample scripts
Free Online Mental Health-Related Trainings for Staff and Faculty [PDF] – Listing of free online trainings from multiple sources.
Housing Assistance
- Congregations for the Homeless ( : works to end homelessness in East King County, Washington.
- YMCA of Greater Seattle ( Drop-in center for street youth. Provides food and hygiene services.
- Orion Center Shelter (for ages 18-25): 206.622.5555
- Renewal Food Bank: 425.643.8246
- Emergency Feeding Program: 425.746.2529
- Catholic Community Services: or 206.328.5696
- PFLAG – Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays – Seattle
- Lambert House – A safe place for GLBTQ youth in Seattle
- Gay and Lesbian National Hotline
- Ingersoll Gender Center
- Latino LGBT Organization
- Seattle Gay News
- Planet Out – A virtual Community center for gay, lesbian, queer community
- Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation – GLAAD
- LGTBQ Friendly Colleges & Student Resources
- Gender Justice League
- How to Navigate Insurance and Mental Health Treatment | The guide provides several resources, tips and insights on understanding health insurance coverage and finding mental health support.
- Active Minds “We are dedicated to saving lives and to building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on young adults ages 14–25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued in the United States.”
- NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) “NAMI is dedicated to improving the lives of millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Your gift helps support NAMI’s ongoing awareness, education and advocacy efforts, including initiatives such as expanding NAMI HelpLine’s hours and services; advocating for a better crisis response system; developing resources for youth and young adults; and updating our educational materials to better address the needs of underrepresented communities.”
- NAMI Eastside (East King County) Resources, education, online support groups, and much more.
- NAMI Seattle Online Support Groups
- NAMI WA Support Groups
- SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline provides trained counselors and support for stress, anxiety and more. Support available 24/7, 365 days a year. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUS to 66746. Spanish-speakers can call the hotline and press “2” for bilingual support. Interpreters are available for 100 other languages.
- The Boys Town National Hotline is a free resource and counseling service that assists youth and parents 24/7, year round, nationwide. Spanish-speaking counselors and translation services for more than 100 languages also are available 24 hours a day. Call 1-800-448-3000, text VOICE to 20121, or email to connect.
- Go Ask Alice – From Columbia University, questions and answers by college students on a wide variety of mental health and health related concerns such as relationships, sexual concerns, emotional concerns, alcohol, and other drug related concerns.
- Mental Health Medications – Information on prescription mental health medications.
- JED – The Jed Foundation is a nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults, giving them the skills and support they need to thrive today…and tomorrow.
- American Psychological Association – A scientific and professional organization that represents psychology in the United States.
- Anxiety Disorders Association of America – the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) is the leader in education, training, and research for anxiety and stress-related disorders.
- Mental Illness: What a Difference a Friend Makes – Created to encourage, educate, and inspire people between 18 and 25 to support their friends who are experiencing mental health problems.
- Grief and Loss from the University of Texas at Austin
- Resources to Support you through Loss [PDF]
- Exhale Project – Exhale is the nation’s premiere organization addressing the emotional health and well-being of women and men after abortion.
- Find an AA meeting – Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism. The link above will allow you to search for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in your area.
- Find an Al-Anon Family Group meeting – help for families and friends of alcoholics. The link above will allow you to search for Al-Anon meetings in your area.
- Find a Narcotics Anonymous meeting – Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. The link above will allow you to search for Narcotics Anonymous meetings in your area.
- Find a Nar-Anon meeting – help for families and friends of addicts. The link above will allow you to search for Nar-Anon meetings in your area.
- Neurodiversityhub – A range of resources to better understand mental health and support yourself and those you care about. You’re a young adult currently studying or starting in the work force. To help you with stress, anxiety, depression and general mental health, we have assembled links to some helpful courses, resources and thought pieces.
- Self-Care & Wellness Toolkit [PDF] – Depression and anxiety information from Humboldt State University.
- Brochures from Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center
- The Work of Byron Katie
- UW Medicine Health Information Library
- How to help you acclimate to online learning as well as how to take care of yourself during these uncertain times [PDF] This includes: Self-Care: How to Protect Your Mental Health During Uncertain Times; Tips for Successful Online Learning; Academic Integrity; and Tech Tools for Online Learning.
- InsightTimer free meditations for sleep, anxiety, and stress.
- UCLA Free Drop-in Meditations
- Ukrainian Community Center of Washington – Immigration, Behavioral Health and Social services to immigrants in Washington State.
- Congolese Integration Network – The Congolese Integration Network is a non-profit organization in South Seattle led by and for Congolese immigrants and refugees. By bringing community together and advocating for their health and well-being, we facilitate the social, economic, cultural, and spiritual integration of Congolese immigrants and refugees into their homes in Washington state.
- Pain Reprocessing Therapy – An evidence-based treatment for chronic pain. View their website to learn more and find a provider.
- HearMeWA – To meet youth safety and well-being needs, HearMeWA is a new resource that helps connect Washington youth and young adults to a system of support. For those experiencing stress, anxiety, bullying, violent threats, sexual abuse—anything that makes life hard—HearMeWA crisis counselors can help with secure, free support.
- Coping with Disasters (PTSD) – Links to various resources related to PTSD.
- Mental Health Awareness Month Factsheet [PDF]
- Mental Health Awareness and Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Factsheet [PDF]
- Suicide Prevention Month [PDF]
- Managing Political Stress [PDF]
- Depression Awareness Month [PDF]
- World Mental Health Day 2024 – Mental Health at Work [PDF]
- Destress with a Counselor [PDF]
- Stress Awareness [PDF]
- English Language Counseling Services Video for English Language Learners by Steven Martel
- English Language Counseling Services Video for Advanced English Language Learners by Steven Martel
- Mandarin Language Counseling Services Video by Yu-ting Su
- Vietnamese Language Counseling Services by Kattie Dang
- WA State Directory of Multicultural Counselors
- Racism, Bias, and Discrimination Resources
- Graphic Videos Can Create PTSD-like Trauma
- Self-Care for People of Color after Emotional and Psychological Trauma
- Psychological Toll of Racism
- Impact of Racial Trauma on African Americans [PDF]
- Black and Asian Anxiety and Depression Spike After George Floyd’s Murder
Mental health related book recommendations from the BC Counseling Team.
- Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom
- Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate and Spiritual Guide to Coping with Loss
- NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
- Nobody’s Normal: How Culture Created the Stigma of Mental Illness
- Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts
- Permission to Come Home: Reclaiming Mental Health as Asian Americans
- Self-Care for Autistic People: 100+ Ways to Recharge, De-Stress, and Unmask
- Taking Charge of Adult ADHD
- The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy
- The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success: How to Use Your Brain’s Executive Skills to Keep Up, Stay Calm, and Get Organized at Work and at Home
- Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism
- Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity
The first resource below provides information about common reactions one may experience when faced with a traumatic event as well as self-care ideas. The remaining documents provide information about best practices for supporting groups impacted by traumatic events.
It is important to avoid holding debriefs (open dialogs for people to share how they have been impacted) as this can cause more negative impact than help. According to the Society of Clinical Psychology, research shows that the medium- and long-term effect of psychological debriefing is suspect, and that the practice can negatively impact the natural healing process and can lead to increased traumatic responses in participants.
Responding to a Community Trauma and Self-Care [PDF] – This document provides an overview of common reactions to trauma, ways you can care for yourself, and campus and community resources.
Guidance for Supporting Classes, Teams, and Other Groups after a Traumatic Event [PDF] – This document provides an overview of things to be aware of after a traumatic event and best practices for following up with an impacted group.
Sample Outline for Leading a Support Session After a Traumatic Event & How to Help Others [PDF] – This document outlines steps staff or faculty may take to lead a voluntary, single session/meeting that focuses on coping skills and self-care after a traumatic event.
Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) CCRI’s Mission is to combat online abuses that threaten civil rights and civil liberties. CCRI’s Vision is of a world in which law, policy and technology align to ensure the protection of civil rights and civil liberties for all. If you need help, please visit the CCRI Safety Center or contact the CCRI Image Abuse Helpline at 844-878-CCRI (2274).
Fight Cyber Crime Self-service for victims of cyber crimes as well as a free online support group for victims of cyber crimes.
- Know your Rights
- Know your Rights – Immigration
- National Immigration Legal Services Directory
- Northwest Immigrant Rights Project Information/Resources
- Up-to-Date Regulations about Immigration Services
- Resources for Dreamer Students
- Informed Immigrant (articles about what undocumented and documented immigrants need to know)
- National Immigration Law Center
- Information about becoming a citizen
- International Rescue Committee
- Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network
- The Welcoming Center – For immigrants, refugees and new arrivals. Connect to the people and resources in the area you live.
- Puget Sound Welcome Back Center – Provides support for internationally educated professionals entering the job market in their field of study.
- Washington Dream Coalition:
- Washington Dream Coalition has received a grant of $25,000 to give DACA Renewal Scholarships to Washington State residents who make less than $50,000 a year! $495 scholarships! Email to go over the application process.
Resources for Tobacco Prevention
Smoking and Tobacco Use by Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Resources for Tobacco Cessation
Getting Help to Quit Tobacco by Washington State Department of Health
2Morrow Health by Washington State Department of Health (a smart phone app)
Mental health related video recommendations from the BC Counseling Team.