What’s Happening?
- 5,964 students have activated their ctcLink accounts 🎉
- The transition to ctcLink is a process. As we navigate our first enrollment through ctcLink, we are inevitably going to discover issues –and make fixes—to the system. This is anticipated. Please be patient as our colleagues work to help others and find solutions.
- Known issues that are being addressed include:
- Issues around class prerequisites showing as required when they weren’t
- Password error message
- Unable to register for classes with attached labs because lab time conflicts with class time. This is being resolved on a case-by-case basis via Request Center.
- Winter Quarter not appearing as an option to select
- Not noting ctcLink ID
- Using an unsupported browser
- Reminder: Budget authorities should approve items submitted in ctcLink as soon as possible or delegate approval authority. More about approvals in the Finance Resource Center.
It’s Timesheet Time
Timesheets are due this week. Submit yours as early as possible. Staff should submit no later than noon on Tuesday, Nov. 30. Supervisors should approve all timesheets by 5 p.m. on Nov. 30.
For more information about timesheets, check out these resources:
- FAQ for Classified Employees
- FAQ for Student and Hourly Employees
- FAQ for Managers
- Timesheet Delegation and Acceptance for Managers
Virtual help is available:
- MON – TUE: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- WED – THU: 1 – 5 p.m.
- FRI: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Join on Zoom
Late Timesheets: Did you know?
Being on one, state-wide software system (ctcLink) means all users are paid on a centralized schedule. Our payroll process is no longer initiated by BC’s Payroll Office. Now it is initiated by the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC).
Because of this, the Payroll Office can no longer accept late timesheets. To ensure your paycheck processes as you anticipate, please submit your timesheet early next week and allow your supervisor time to approve it.
Watch the timesheet help session recordings by visiting the Employee Time and Leave Reporting section in Staff ‘How Do I’ website.
What’s Happening for Students?
- Winter Quarter enrollment (registration) has begun!
o Yesterday (Nov. 29) for priority studentso Today (Nov. 30) for continuing students who received an appointment via emailo Dec. 1 for new students.
- Student Affairs Offices in the U Building are open.
- From Nov. 29 – Dec. 2, Public Safety will not issue parking violations. Students who need support are encouraged to access services on campus during this period. Parking lots #4, 7, and 8 are convenient to the U Building. Check out the BC Parking Lot Map for lot locations.
- Virtual Support for student account activation and enrollment is available:
- MON-THU: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- FRI: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- On-site ctcLink Student Support for account activation is available in the U Building:
- MON-THU: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Staff and faculty can view sessions about class permissions in preparation for Winter Quarter registration:
- Need to help a student activate their ctcLink account so they can enroll for Winter Quarter this week? Check out the Staff Helping Students Guide.
Upcoming Information Sessions
*New Link*
Requisition Drop-In Help Sessions
Nov. 29, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Nov. 30, 1 – 3 p.m.
Dec. 1, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Employees: complete a requisition, resolve budget errors, and ask questions. Come ready to enter a requisition in ctcLink!
ctcLink HCM – Navigating in Talent Acquisition Management (TAM)
Dec. 7, 1 – 2 p.m.
Timesheet Help
Nov. 30, 8 – 5 p.m.
In person: B Building by the BC Bookstore
Most meetings will be recorded and posted on the ctcLink website.
Systems Migration This Week
For anyone who has had to move from one living space to another, you know the many steps and challenges that go with packing up a household and transporting it to another location. The migration of 25 business applications into ctcLink is a similar undertaking. BC is moving our applications over in four phases. Migration began this week for the second phase to the new backend system for:
- Team Dynamix
- eRezLife
- TargetX
- Online Directory
The good news is that applications will remain functional as we transition to the new data. Our ITS team will be working toward a smooth transition, but please be aware that there may be service interruptions. Visit the ctcLink website for information on future phases for systems migration.
In Case you Missed It
- Human Resources will accept requests for new hires starting Dec. 1.
- Employees are noticing a different view when logging in using the ctcLink button on BC’s homepage. That link leads to the ctcLink mobile application for students to access ctcLink and various BC resources. Click on the first tile to go to the ctcLink login: myaccount.ctclink.us.
- To bypass the mobile view, use myaccount.ctcLink.us to go directly to the login. Staff and faculty can also login from the Resources for Faculty & Staff page. Bookmarking this page or the direct link is recommended for logging in.
- You can still review your past paystubs in Employee Earnings & Leave.
- Regarding your personal information, all staff and faculty should review and/or update the preferred contact phone number visible to other BC staff in ctcLink. This can be either your office phone number or another phone number – ctcLink lets you decide!
Last Updated December 1, 2021