The presentations and overview below will help you get started on how to use ctcLink.
Canvas Training Overview
Staff will use the Human Capital Management (HCM) and Financial Self-Services applications on the ctcLink Gateway screen for the following personnel tasks:
- Update personal information
- Confirm salary schedule
- Review benefits.
- Change tax status
- Create time sheets
- Enter leave and absence requests
- Submit expense reports
As a staff member, the first step is to learn what to expect from the new system. Completing the ctcLink Canvas trainings will provide foundational knowledge, so you will access ctcLink for the first time with confidence.
The Canvas courses are high-level, self-paced, introductory courses designed to give you an overview of the new system. Browse available courses below and select the ones best suited to your role.
You can self-register through the SBCTC’s registration site after you decide which courses are right for you. Need help? Ask your manager for guidance.
Canvas Courses for All Employees or Managers
All Employees – If you don’t work with student or employee data or financial information, you will still want to complete the training on employee self-service, as our current time and leave reporting system is integrated with ctcLink.
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General Use (if you travel for work
Register for the above courses.
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address. District Office staff should try selecting Seattle Central College.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
If you don’t work with student or employee data or financial information but supervise someone or manage a budget, you will want to complete the following:
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals 9.2
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General Use
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
Register for the above courses.
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address. District Office staff should try selecting Seattle Central College.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
Recorded Presentations
View a demonstration of how staff with permissions can run academic advisement reports to help students better understand their academic progress. Includes Q&A session.
Link to AAR Q&A document.
Link to AAR Presentation shown in the video.
View a presentation for class permissions for staff
View a demonstration of how hourly and classified employees submit timesheets and where to find help documents on the website.
View a demonstration of how exempt employees and faculty request and report absences, as well as where to find help documents on the website.
View a demonstration of how managers approve timesheets and leave requests, as well as where to find help documents on the website.
View a presentation focused on changes to chartstrings, budget reporting, and item types.

View a demonstration on ctcLink and academic advising or check out this PowerPoint presentation
Student Services Employees
A common core of courses is set for all student services employees; additional courses are required for employees in specific functions/roles.
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals
- CC100 Campus Community (Student Information)
- CS100 Student Self-Service
- CH100 CS Staff Self-Service
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General User
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- CC100 Campus Community
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- CC201 3Cs Communications Setup
- RA101 Admissions
- RA201 Admissions: OAA Suspense Management
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
- AS100 Academic Structure
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
- SR102 Student Records: Beginning of Term Processes
- SR103 Student Records: Enrollment Processes
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- SR107 Special Student Populations
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- AS100 Academic Structure
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- SR107 Special Student Populations (optional)
- CE100 Continuing Education (optional)
- CF100 Faculty Self-Service (optional)
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- CC100 Campus Community
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- CC201 3Cs Communications Setup
- FA100 ISIR Processing
- FA101 Managing 3Cs & Processing FA Applications
- FA102 Awarding Financial Aid & SAP
- FA103 Authorizing & Disbursing Financial Aid
- FA104 Processing Pell Payments & Direct Loans
- FA105 Processing Return to Title IC (R2T4)
- FA106 Financial Aid Reporting (FISAP, SNG, URR)
- FA107 Reconciliation, Including Work-Study
- FA206 Intermediate Reporting (WCG, FISAP)
- FA207 Intermediate Financial Aid Reconciliation
- SF100 Tuition Calculation
- SF106 Term Rollover
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- SF100 Tuition Calculation
- SF101 Cashiering
- SF102 Refunds
- SF103 Payment Plans
- SF104 Third-Party Contracts
- SF105 Collections
- SF106 Term Rollover
- SF205 Intermediate Collections
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- SR107 Special Student Populations
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- AS100 Academic Structure
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- CC201 3Cs Communications Setup
- SF106 Term Rollover
- SR102 Student Records: Beginning of Term Processes
- SR103 Student Records: Enrollment Processes
- SR104 Student Records: End of Term Processes
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- SR107 Special Student Populations
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
Finance and Administrative Employees
A common core of courses is set for all finance and administrative employees; additional courses are required for employees in specific functions/roles.
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General User
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- AM100 Asset Management
- AP100 Accounts Payable
- AR100 Accounts Receivable
- AR200 Intermediate Accounts Receivable
- BI100 Billing
- BI200 Intermediate Billing
- CT100 Treasury (Cash Management)
- GL100 General Ledger Basics
- GL200 Intermediate General Ledger
- GL300 Advanced General Ledger
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- CN100 Customer Contracts
- GR100 Grants
- GR200 Intermediate Grants
- KK100 Commitment Control
- PC100 Project Costing
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders
- PU102 Purchasing: Receipts and Maintenance
- PU103 Purchasing: P-Card
- AM100 Asset Management
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General User
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- EX102 Travel & Expenses: Travel Admin/Finance
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
Human Resources (HR) and Payroll Employees
A common core of courses is set for all HR and payroll employees; additional courses are required for employees in specific functions/roles.
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- HR100 HCM Core
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General User
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- HR200 Intermediate HCM Core
- FW100 Faculty Workload
- FW200 Intermediate Faculty Workload
- TM100 Talent Acquisition Manager
- AB100 Absence Management
- TL100 Time and Labor
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals 9.2
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General Use
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- AS100 Academic Structure
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals 9.2
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General Use
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU103 Purchasing: Procurement Cards
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
IT Staff
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals 9.2
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General Use
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- CC100 Campus Community
Register for the above courses
- Complete the training registration form by first selecting your college and then verifying your existing Canvas account tied to your email address.
- Select the specific courses in which you want to enroll. Note: courses for employees vary by employee type and function. Refer to the courses listed above.
- When you next login to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list.
Important Notes:
- The courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- Supervisors are provided reports of which employees have completed which courses.
- Review the entire library of ctcLink training courses (links to SBCTC site).
Data Reporting (Queries)
How Do I …?
Guides and step-by-step instructions are available for most tasks. For queries, check out the Run a Report (Queries) button in the Staff “Staff Handbook” section.
PeopleSoft and Legacy State Reporting
PeopleSoft Reporting (PSQuery)
For most users:
- PS Query Reporting (viewing reports for end users)
For those who may need to create their own queries:
Information for Reporting Student Data
For Institutional Effectiveness or other employees reporting on PS student or instructions data, the following Campus Solutions courses are also recommended.
*Enroll in these training sessions online
- CC100 Campus Community (Student Information)
- AS100 Academic Structure
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- SR107 Special Student Populations
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
Register for the above courses
Please search the website or reach out to the following people with your questions:
- If you have questions about ctcLink, please contact Maria Rivas.
- If you have difficulties accessing your courses in Canvas, please contact IT support.
PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint Presentation: Class Search Transition
In this recorded presentation, Iulia Zavodov, Program Manager, Academic Affairs Office covers the following topics:
- What is the PeopleSoft catalog and why does it matter?
- What HYAL-CLN, OAB-LEC and other abbreviations in the SECTION field mean?
- How do schedule data elements look in PeopleSoft Production environment?
- What are the expectations for the transitions?
The presentation includes a Q&A session. Click here for the PowerPoint.
Last Updated July 3, 2024