LGBTQ Student Success Initiative

In the fall of 2013, there was a new initiative to include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer demographic questions on registration forms at community and technical colleges in Washington State.

About the Initiative

We are committed to promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) students at Bellevue College, and in order to do this, we need your help!

Collecting data will allow us to know more about our students and thus, be better prepared to design and develop curricular and co-curricular programs that reflect students’ diverse perspectives and experiences.

We believe the implementation of this new process will serve as a testimony of our commitment to diversity, academic achievement and student success.

You can learn more about the history of this initiative by visiting our History and Background page.

Program Examples Include:

  • Course Offerings
  • LGBTQ Resource Center
  • LGBTQ Pride Alliance

Changes to the Registration Form

When students register for classes each quarter at Bellevue College they will see two new questions on the registration form:

  • What is your sexual orientation?
    1. Bisexual
    2. Gay
    3. Lesbian
    4. Queer
    5. Straight/heterosexual
    6. Other
    7. Prefer not to answer
  • What is your gender identity?
    1. Feminine
    2. Masculine
    3. Androgynous
    4. Gender Queer
    5. Transgender
    6. Other
    7. Prefer not to answer

These questions will be optional; however, we encourage students to provide this confidential information so we can design and implement programs and services that provide meaningful and rewarding learning opportunities for all students.

Points of Contact at Bellevue College

  • Steve Downing, director of Enrollment & Registrar Services
  • Sayumi Irey, interim vice president for Diversity
  • Patricia James, associate vice president for Effectiveness & Strategic Planning

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a specific reason you are collecting this data?

Yes, we are collecting data to promote safe and welcoming learning environments, develop programs and services, and better track students’ progress and success. See the video above for more information on the initiative.

Will you report this information to outside agencies?


What if I leave the question blank? Will you require me to select my sexual orientation?

No, a student can select “Prefer not to answer.”

Will this information be disclosed to my peers or professors?


Who will have access to this registration information?

Enrollment and Registrar Services and Institutional Research units will have access to this information.

Will I be able to update and change my status after I register for classes?

Yes, you will be able to change this information if you need to.

Does your campus collect this information from faculty and staff?


Will this information always be linked to my name?


If I transfer schools, will you provide this information to them?


If another school or entity asks you for this information, will you provide it to them?


If I provide this information, will it be kept private?


Does your campus have a clear procedure for reporting LGBTQ related bias incidents and hate crimes?

Yes. For more information see the Bias Incident Response and Support Team website.

Last Updated April 5, 2017