December 31, 2024
Mandatory: New Student Orientation on Tuesday, December 31st
Location: C-Building Cafeteria. Click this link for location and parking information.
You must pay to park. Click this link for instructions on how to pay for parking. We recommend you park in lot 12 if you need a pay station. If you bought your ticket online, parking lots 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 10 are also options.
Check-in begins: 8:45AM
Items you must bring with you:
Passport and Visa
I-20 document
Your United States address
Example: 1099 Maple St Apartment #600, Bellevue WA 98004
Example: 3000 Landerholm Circle SE Building U, Room 202 Bellevue, WA 98007
Lunch is provided at around 12:00PM (Noon)
Parents are welcome to attend: If your parents, host family, or other guests intend to participate in the orientation alongside you, they will be seated at designated tables for all guests. They will take part in the morning sessions and are invited to join us for lunch. Following lunch, we will have a dedicated parent session and a question and answer session for them.
Last Updated December 9, 2024