After Acceptance – Next Steps

CONGRATULATIONS on your acceptance to Bellevue College!

Step 1: Print your I-20 and Acceptance Letter.

Log into International Student Portal to access your documents. Use the log-in information you created for the “Applicant” login.

  • If you have already created your Bellevue College student accounts, then you should use the “Current Student” log-in after you have  waited 48 hours.

You must sign the I-20 and bring the I-20 to your visa interview and with you to the U.S.  

Step 2: Create your student accounts, then wait 48 hours:

Your ctcLink ID number from your acceptance letter is required for these steps. 

Part 2.1: Create your student ctcLink account:

Part 2.2: Create your student email account:

  • Go to the NetID site and then click “Create Account.” Follow the directions to create your account.  

Part 2.3: Please wait 24-48 hours after creating both accounts. You can now log-in to: 

Plan to live in on-campus housing? Apply as soon as possible with your student account:

Step 3: Read the information below:

Student Visa Basics

Maintaining Your Status:  After you enter the U.S. on an F-1 visa with BC’s I-20, you must follow ALL these rules:

  1. Attend the school for which your I-20 was issued. 
  2. Complete a full course of status every term.
  3. Make a normal progress.
  4. Work (Ex: CPT and OPT) only with your International Advisor’s approval.
  5.  Keep all immigration documents valid.
  6. Follow the federal, state, and local rules.
  7. Report your address update to International Advisor within 10-days. ​

Contact your IE advisor about all other F-1 visa questions.  

Upon arrival

Air Travels: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) is the nearest airport to the Bellevue College’s main campus.  

Ground Transportation from the SeaTac airport to BC’s main campus:  Distance between the Sea-Tac airport and BC’s main campus is 27 km (or 18.6 miles), and typical driving time is 25-minutes. There are a few methods to get to the BC’s main campus:  

Door-to-door shuttle van services (recommended): Go to the Ground Transportation floor (3rd floor of the garage) of the Sea-Tac airport to find the Door-to-Door shared van ride desk. A one-way shared-van ride ticket from the airport to BC’s main campus is about $55.00 USD (plus a tip).  

App Based Rideshares (e.g., Uber or Lyft):  If you already have an account with Uber or Lyft, go to the Ground Transportation floor (3rd floor of the garage) to catch your ride.  

Taxis: Go to the Ground Transportation floor (3rd floor of the garage) to catch a taxi.  

A typical one-way ride may be anywhere between $45 to $60 USD (and a tip).  

Public Transportation: Use Google Maps to identify the Link Light Rail and/or buses to get to BC’s main campus. Typical travel time is about 1.5 hours. Using public transportation may be more challenging if you have large and heavy luggage.   

BC’s physical address:  3000 Landerholm Cr. S.E., Bellevue, WA 98007 USA 

BC’s on-campus housing:  3000 Landerholm Cr. S.E. Building H, Bellevue, WA 98007 

  • Carry-on items on your way to the U.S.:  Pack your valid passport, F-1 visa, BC’s I-20 in your carry-on bag, not in your checked luggage. We recommend you keep important contact information both in your cellphone and in your notebook. Write down Bellevue College IE’s contact information in your notebook.  
  • Health items: If you wear glasses or contact lens, bring an extra pair. BC Foundation arranged medical insurance plan does not cover vision (and dental).
  • Laptop, earphone/earbuds: A light-weight laptop (or a tablet) and earphones (or earbuds) are must-have items for a college student in the USA.  At Bellevue College, you will learn to use Canvas, an online learning platform for nearly all your classes you take at Bellevue College. Your instructors may require you to submit your homework, post comments on the discussion boards, and take quizzes and exams via Canvas. 
    • If you do not have a laptop or a tablet when you first arrive at Bellevue College, you may use the computer labs on campus. The largest computer lab is N-250. See the campus map

Cellular Phones: The four most popular cell phone companies are Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. All these companies offer a variety of services at a different price range.  

Two ways to get your cell phone working in the U.S are: 1) a prepaid plan, or 2) a contract plan with a cell phone service provider. The pre-paid plans are convenient, offer the same services and the network and do not require a social security number (SSN). Contract plans require a two-year commitment and require a SSN for a credit check.  

Arriving in Bellevue, WA

New International Student Orientation (NSO):  IE office will send several announcements about the new student orientation to your Bellevue College and/or personal emails. Plan your arrival in Bellevue accordingly. Important information such as F-1 visa rules, academic and enrollment rules, insurance, and more will be covered.  

See the scheduled new student orientation date for your accepted term.  

Complete online new student check-in record via International Student Portal (ISP):  Use your Bellevue College email to login to your ISP to complete the new student check-in records. You will need to upload your latest I-94, F-1 visa, signed I-20 and your local contact information including your local emergency contact.  

Money Matters

Payment due dates:  Your quarterly tuition and fees must be paid in full by the established due dates, which is normally about a month before the quarter beginning date. All your classes may be dropped for non-payment if you miss your deadline. 

Arrange a credit card and some cash:  Bellevue College accepts VISA and MasterCard. Having a VISA or MasterCard is not only convenient but also safer than carrying cash. If you can get a VISA or MasterCard from your home country, bring one with you.  

Cash/US currency: How much cash to bring differs based on each individual.  A recommended amount is about $300 to $500 in smaller bills like $1, $5, $10 or $20. Exchange money in your home country or at the airport before arriving in Bellevue. 

Open a bank account in the U.S.:  If you plan to stay in the U.S. to earn a degree, having a bank account in the U.S. may be convenient and secure to handle your money.  Banks will ask you for a social security number, and most international students do not have it.  Most banks will accept two government issued identification (e.g., passport and F-1 visa) and a major credit card (e.g., VISA) to open an account. You may also get a debit card from your bank.  

Bank wire to BC:  IE staff can help you with a bank wire payment directly to Bellevue College’s bank. Banks charge fees, but wire payment is one of the most secure way to pay a large amount to Bellevue College, especially if you need to pay tuition, fees, and housing altogether. Note:  Bellevue College accepts international bank wire payments for your educational expenses only. Money Bellevue College receives from overseas must be used for your educational expenses at Bellevue College only.  

How to get your State Drivers License, Identification Card, and Social Security Number

Getting a Washington State Driver’s License as an experienced driverIf you are an experienced driver in your home country or in other state within the U.S., submit the online Department of Licensing request via International Student Portal and wait until your IE advisor registers you into the SEVIS immigration system, which normally happens from around 3rd week of the quarter.  You must bring required documents in a sealed envelope to DMV to be able to apply for a driver’s license.  

Getting a Washington State Driver’s License as a brand-new driver:  If you have never driven a car before in your home country or in other state within the U.S., we recommend you wait until you become more familiar with the local geography and improve your English communication skills. You may benefit from joining a reputable driving school program at your own expense to learn basic WA driving rules and gain practical driving lessons with a professional instructor.  

Washington State Identification Card: This is a good government issued ID to carry with you instead of your passport. First, submit the online Department of Licensing request via International Student Portal for your IE advisor to prepare the required documents. Second, bring the required documents in a sealed envelope to the Department of Licensing.  

  • Process for a new F-1 visa student may take up to 15-20 business days, because your IE advisor needs to register you into SEVIS immigration system to activate your SEVIS status. To do, you must first complete the online new student check-in by updating a complete physical address in the U.S. and must be enrolled in full-time in your first term.  
  • Washington State requires all motor vehicle drivers to carry at least liability auto coverage and have proof of insurance at all times.  
  • BC requires all students and employees to purchase valid parking permit to be able to park on-campus throughout the year, 24/7.  

Obtaining a Social Security Number: Generally, F-1 visa students are ineligible to apply for a social security number at least until they find an on-campus job.  Complete the “On-campus employment” form signed by you, your hiring manager to your IE advisor to prepare required documents for you to apply for a Social Security Number at the Social Security Administration.   

Online Placement Testing & Prerequisite Clearance

Online Placement Testing for the Intensive English program:  Bellevue College’s Intensive English program has five levels (level 5 = highest).

Step 1:  Activate your Bellevue College NetID and check your Bellevue College email daily.  

Step 2:  IE will send you an invitation to your Bellevue College email to take the online placement testing. Check your inbox, clutters, and junk folders. 

Step 3:  Take the test and email the IE staff know that you are done.   

Step 4:  Enroll in the ESL classes. 

Step 5:  Pay your tuition and fees via ctcLink.   

IE recommends accepted Intensive English students complete the online ESL placement testing, enrollment, and payment before they arrive in Bellevue, WA.  

Online Writeplacer Testing for the Bridge Pathway program:  Accepted Bridge Pathway students need to take the Writeplacer (WP) exam online or on-campus at the Bellevue College Testing Center. The WP exam determines if you need to take the ELIUP 96 (3cr) class.

After you take the WP exam, wait for about 2-3 business days for the result. Students who choose not to take the WP exam must enroll in ELIUP 96.  

College-Level English and Math Placement Testing:  Nearly all accepted college-level students need to take the English and Math placement testing administered by the Bellevue College Testing Center before (or during) their first term at BC. Use your BC NetID to sign up for the placement testing.  

English placement testing:  You may already have the English placement if you have met below external exam scores.  

Test TypeEnglish 93English 101
TOEFL (IBT)Overall IBT 61-64 with 13+ on writingOverall IBT 65+ with 16+ on writing
IELTSOverall 6.0 with 5.5+ on writing Overall 6.0 with 6.0+ on writing
DuolingoOverall 95 with 75 on productionOverall 95 with 85 on production

Math placement testing: Nearly all accepted college-level students need to take the math placement testing at BC.  

International Education (IE) recommends you finish the placement testing as soon as you activate your NetID before arriving in Bellevue, WA.  

Prerequisite clearance Process:  Some college classes require prerequisites before you can enroll in classes.  Returning, transfer, or concurrent students who have already satisfied the prerequisite(s) must submit the transcript to the Prerequisite clearance process to waive the requirements. This process may take 3-5 business days so plan accordingly.     

Nearly all international applicants submit transcript(s) as part of international admission requirements to Bellevue College. Upon acceptance, you need to initiate the prerequisite clearance process if you plan to take a class with enforced prerequisites. This process may take 3-5 business days, so plan ahead.    

Transfer credits to BC: If you have attended a college or university in the U.S. or in your home country, please follow the instructions on “How to Transfer Credits to BC”. This process may take up to 8-10 weeks.  

You will need to be enrolled in classes before you can submit the request.

Class Enrollment and Tuition:

Class search and enrollment:  Now that you have met with your IE advisor to discuss your education plan, chose which associate’s degree and have your English and math placement test results, you should proceed with class enrollment via ctcLink.   

Step 1: Login to your ctcLink  

Step 2: Follow the “how to search classes” instruction to find classes 

Step 3: Follow the “how to enroll” instructions to enroll in classes  

Permission codeMost classes do not require a permission code, and you can bypass the “permission code” to enroll. However, you may need to contact the instructor to get a code when the class has enforced prerequisite(s), requires the department/instructor’s consent, or you are asking to add the class late up to the 5th day of the quarter except in summer.  

Remember, you should submit the online cleared prerequisites request as soon as you are admitted, especially if you plan to take courses that have enforced prerequisites.  

Waitlist:  Many classes get full quickly. You may need to find a different class or add yourself to the waitlist. You may have one waitlisted class per quarter.  

  • Enroll in at least 12 credits excluding the waitlisted class and pay the tuition and fees in full. In case you do not get into the waitlisted class, you have met the minimum credit requirement as an F-1 student.  
  • Pay attention to the quarterly enrollment deadlines and know when waitlist stops running every quarter.  
  • Monitor your waitlist status by checking your ctcLink and emails frequently. Pay the additional tuition and fees immediately if you get into the class.  
  • Nearly all classes require Instructor permission from the 4th and 5th of the quarter (except summer) even if seats are still available.  
  • Not all instructors approve late enrollment and/or overloading the course. If they do not respond, it normally means “no”.    
  • Always register for classes on your enrollment appointment date/time. Pay tuition and fees in full to secure seats even if you are still adding classes.  

Your International Student Advisor:  All Bellevue College’s international students have an assigned international student advisor.  Find your advisor at IE Advising team members.  All IE advisors are located in room U-202 on BC’s main campus.  

The online appointment booking shows the next two-week’s availabilities only.  First, select the service at the top and choose a date and time.  

Quarterly Tuition Due Dates: Your classes are not secured until you pay your tuition and fees in full every quarter. Know the quarterly payment due date to avoid your classes to be dropped for non-payment.   

Payment Methods: There are a few payment methods at Bellevue College.  

1) Online payment via ctcLink: Follow the “how to pay” instructions to pay your tuition and fees in full using a VISA or MasterCard.  You must use the ctcLink “Full Site” when you make an online payment first time.  

2) Go to the Student Financial Services (SFS) office in the U-bldg. to pay in-person. You may use a VISA or MasterCard, personal check or cash to make a payment in-person during the SFS’s office hours.  

3) Bank wire payment to BC:  Contact your IE advisor for an invoice with Bellevue College’s banking information.  A typical international bank wire takes about 3-5 business days and the sender (i.e., you) are responsible for all banking fees. 

  • Money Bellevue College receives via international wire must be used for educational expenses at BC only.  Leftover will be kept on the student’s account for future tuition.  

The NelNET Tuition Payment Plan is not available for international students: however, we offer a pre-payment plan (STEPP) through the Student Financial Services office. Call 425-564-2309 for more information or email

Apply for F-1 (student) visa

  1. Passport: Issued by your home government. Always keep it valid. 
  2. Student (F-1) Visa:  Issued by the U.S. embassy or consulate. Visa may be valid for anywhere from 1 month to 5 years. You must have a valid passport, F-1 visa, and BC’s I-20 to enter the U.S. ​ 
  3. I-20 form: Issued by BC International Admissions upon acceptance. BC’s I-20 is normally issued for 2 to 2.5 years. You must get I-20 from BC before you can apply for an F-1 visa. 

Pay the I-901 Fee: Go to the Department of Homeland Security – Pay I-901 Fee site to pay the fee. Print the receipt.  

Read the I-901 SEVIS Fee Frequently Asked Questions and contact the I-901 Customer Support by phone at 1-703-603-3400 in the U.S. or email at   

Student visas are issued by US Embassies and Consulates located outside the United States.

Apply for the Student (F-1) visa at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country.  Prepare required documents to apply for an F-1 visa.  

  1. Find a US Embassy or Consulate near you
    • Go to this website:
    • Click on your area of the world.
    • Click on your country.
    • Click on Visas.
    • Follow the instructions to sign up for a visa appointment.
  2. You must contact your local U.S. Embassy or Consulate for the required documents for your visa interview.
  3. For more information about F-1 visas, please see this website:

Visa interview: A visa officer will interview you briefly to decide if you are qualified to receive a visa. Prepare yourself to be able to give concise answers in English.  

Check the estimated wait time for a nonimmigrant visa (e.g., F-1) interview appointment at a U.S. embassy/consulate.    

Click here to view useful tips. on how to prepare for your F-1 Visa interview

If your visa is denied: If your visa is denied, review your visa denial notice carefully. Then contact your IE admissions specialist immediately. Each case is different, but you may try again.  

Arrange Housing

Important: All accepted international students need to apply and secure their own housing BEFORE arriving in Bellevue. Bellevue College International Education (IE) does not arrange housing for you. Go to IE’s Housing site to learn more about three housing options:  

Health Check-up

Mandatory Enrollment in Bellevue College-Foundation Arranged Accident and Sickness Medical Benefit Plan:  As a condition of participating in the international student program, F-1 visa holders on BC’s I-20 are required to join the Bellevue College-Foundation arranged accident and sickness medical benefit plan every quarter. Read more at IE’s insurance site.  

See the 2023-2024 Student Accident & Sickness Medical Benefit Plan for International Students Booklet for more details.  

Dental & Vision Check-UpBellevue College-Foundation arranged accident and injury insurance plan does NOT cover dental and vision. Fix all dental and vision problems before arriving in Bellevue.  Bring an extra pair of glasses and/or contact lens with you.  

Vaccines and Immunizations:  Bellevue College currently has no vaccination requirements for students, except for healthcare related programs, etc. We recommend you consult with your physician to be up-to-date on most common vaccines based on your age.  

Please feel free to review our PowerPoint or select the other tabs to read through the information. If you have any questions please reach out to

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Last Updated December 24, 2024