Campus Climate Assessment
As part of Bellevue College’s Institutional Commitment to Inclusion and in compliance with RCW 28B.10.147, the college will conduct a college-wide campus climate assessment as well as listening and feedback sessions at regular intervals. These efforts to better understand and improve the state of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the college are part of a partnership between the college’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Effectiveness, Research & Analytics.
Campus Climate Assessment Results
Bellevue College has selected the HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey as its instrument for evaluation of student and employee attitudes and awareness of campus diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. We first administered this survey in Fall 2021, and will be running the survey every other year. The next planned administration of the survey is Winter 2024.
Results of Bellevue College campus climate surveys are provided here for campus community and public consumption. These reports provide a summary overview of the information collected from the surveys; requests for clarification or additional analyses can be submitted through the Effectiveness and Research Data Request Form.
“Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey Results for Fall 2021”
Listening and Feedback Sessions
Listening and feedback sessions will be scheduled each year between the survey-based campus climate assessments, and additional sessions are expected to coincide with the release of the climate survey results. Information about these sessions will be provided below, with registration information as applicable.