Facilitating Student-Led Conferences – NEW

Student-led learning conference

Study and practice techniques for facilitating student-led conferences in any discipline! One complaint about student conferences is that they very often become meetings without reasons or agendas–wastes of instructor and student time. With highly structured student-led conferences, students present and critique their own strengths and weaknesses and potentials plans of action
for building on and addressing them. At the same time, they prompt students to look back at their own work and practice autonomous self-evaluation with guided instructor input. This workshop shows participants how to: organize conference materials, encourage student planning, regulate their feedback, and modify the materials and process to fit their particular content and concerns. This three-hour workshop walks instructors through the student-led conference protocols and procedures and then allows them time to practice a mock conference with a peer.

This workshop will be rescheduled. Contact Tonya Estes with any questions| 3 PD Hours

Sign up here!

For more information, contact Brian Bergan-Aurand, A&H

Last Updated October 5, 2019