What Customer Service Means

This spring students in the Office Procedures and Customer Service class enjoyed a group activity working in small groups to assemble the phrases in a way that completes the sentence, "Customer service means _____." The objective was to help students understand the meaning of serving customers. A few examples included: Doing ordinary things extraordinarily well ...more about What Customer Service Means

Internship: Washington State Archives

4th year OLS student Andy completed his internship with the Washington State Archives Puget Sound Regional Branch. He shares his thoughts on his experience below. How does what you did or learned at your internship fit in with your career goals? I like being one of the people responsible for physical inventory management, as in ...more about Internship: Washington State Archives

Student Stories: OLS Commericals

In Critical Thinking through Media, students learn how they are being influenced by the media. During the course they learn the different persuasion techniques used by marketers to encourage them to buy their product. For their final project, students create a commercial that advertises the OLS program. The commercial allows them to speak of their ...more about Student Stories: OLS Commericals

Farewell To One Of The Best

Hi everyone, Many of you may have heard that Marci Muhlestein is leaving OLS on Friday after 10 years of service. What you may not know are her many accomplishments. I have worked with Marci for 8 years and witnessed firsthand not only her accomplishments, but how she navigated BC through positive relationships and win/win ...more about Farewell To One Of The Best