Activate your account
All staff are invited to activate their ctcLink account using and following the prompts. A How-Do-I Activate My Account guide is now posted on the website.
Note: those who activated accounts in the SVX practice site prior to ctcLink go-live must reactivate. Your ctcLink ID will be the same as you used in the test environment, but please verify it again in the pop-up window when you reactivate. Faculty will receive activation instructions on Nov. 12 and students on Nov. 17.
You may notice discrepancies in your personal details – do not change your personal information in ctcLink before Dec. 1. Please allow HR until Dec. 1 to make corrections.
Support Structure
If questions come up, start with the “How do I?” section of the website. Common first day questions include:
- How do I look up my ctcLink ID? (answer: there’s a ctcLink ID lookup tool)
- How do I look up my old SID? (answer: it’s the same as the ctcLink ID lookup tool)
- How do I activate my account? (answer: check the How Do I section of the website)
- Is there a guide to tell me how to do my job?
- This is a self-learning situation. There are tools to point you in the right direction, but each of us needs to put on our detective hat and go digging. If you haven’t done the Canvas courses you will have a lot more questions. That’s the place to start, then the ctcLink Reference Center.
If you still have problems, please contact the Staff Support Specialists virtually or in person. If none of the above resolve your question, a ticketing system is in place to route issues to the right person, and the support specialist can help you open one.
Join Staff Virtual Support
MON – THU: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
FRI: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Staff On-Campus Support
MON – TUE: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m
WED – THU: 1 – 5 p.m.
FRI: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
B Building, 100 (in front of bookstore)
If you cannot navigate in ctcLink or feel you cannot see data you believe you should, please submit a ticket here. It’s tempting, but please hold off on contacting project leads directly – the fastest way to get your issue resolved is via ticket.
Learning Opportunities
Our staff training page has the most up-to-date information on what info sessions are coming up. Here are a few sessions happening Nov. 10:
Wednesday, Nov. 10
It is an exciting time for BC. Remember that it’s okay to not know everything, and that you have resources to help you. We wish you all a smooth transition to our new ctcLink system and the best as we work together to support each other and serve our students.
Welcome to ctcLink!
Maria Rivas| ctcLink Project Manager (she/her)
Information Technology Services (ITS)
(425) 564-3979
3000 Landerholm Circle SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
Last Updated November 9, 2021