Instrumental Music

If you currently play an instrument or are looking to learn one please get involved with instrumental music at Bellevue College.  We offer courses perfect for beginners, as well as performance opportunities and various performing ensembles for novice to advanced student musicians. Please read below for more information about instrumental music courses and concert series at Bellevue College.

Instrumental Music Courses at Bellevue College

MUSC 130: Group Piano Instruction I – 2 credits

Provides basic keyboard experience for non-majors and prepares the beginning music major for the piano-competency requirement. Studio instruction includes basic music reading, keyboard technique, interpretation, and simple chording.

View details for MUSC 130

INSTRUCTORS: Shawn Schlogel

MUSC 131: Group Piano Instruction II – 2 credits

Continues MUSC 130 with more advanced keyboard and music reading skills. Students learn more keys, chord combinations, and performance of more complex compositions.

View details for MUSC 131

INSTRUCTORS: Shawn Schlogel

MUSC 132: Group Piano Instruction III – 2 credits

Continues MUSC 131 with intermediate level piano keyboard repertory. Recommended: Completion of MUSC 131.

View details for MUSC 132

INSTRUCTORS: Shawn Schlogel

MUSC 135: Beginning Guitar – 2 credits

Presents the basic skills for reading music and the techniques needed to play the guitar. Intended for students with little or no background in guitar performance. Students must supply their own ACOUSTIC guitar.

View details for MUSC 135

INSTRUCTOR:  Naeim Rahmani

MUSC 136: Intermediate Guitar – 2 credits

Develops the skills and knowledge required for playing the guitar, reading music and performance techniques in greater depth. Intended for students with a moderate level of experience. Students must supply their own ACOUSTIC guitar.

View details for MUSC 136

INSTRUCTOR:  Naeim Rahmani

Instrumental Ensembles & Performance Opportunities at Bellevue College

MUSC 106: Jazz Band – 3 credits

Offers performance opportunities for instrumentalists within the Stage Band instrumentation. The Jazz Band focuses on jazz improvisation, performance, and interpretation of Big Band jazz literature. Students audition for available chairs. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: Prior enrollment in Jazz band or permission of instructor.

View details for MUSC 106

MUSC 206: BC Jazz Band – 3 credits

Offers performance opportunities for instrumentalists within the Stage Band instrumentation who have completed three quarters of MUSIC 106. The ensemble focuses on jazz improvisation, performance, and interpretation of Big Band jazz literature. Students audition for available chairs. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.

View details for MUSC 206

BOTH MUSC 106/206 ARE DIRECTED BY JIM SISKO Please note that in addition to what is outlined above, MUSC 106 B /206  B will focus on small jazz ensemble literature and will perform as a group known as JAZZ COMBOS. CONTACTJIM SISKO:

MUSC 101: Community Symphonies – 1 credits

Students earn credit for playing in approved community orchestras or ensembles. Provides an opportunity to perform a wide variety of literature. Rehearsals are usually one evening per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Participation may require audition. Prerequisite: Permission of program chair for approved ensembles.

View details for MUSC 101

MUSC 102: Community Band – 1 credits

Students earn credit for playing in approved community bands or wind ensembles. Provides an opportunity to perform a wide variety of literature. Rehearsals are usually one evening per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Participation may require audition. Prerequisite: Permission of program chair for approved ensembles.

View details for MUSC 102

For more information, contact Thomas Almli at:

Instrumental Performance Opportunities at Bellevue College

FROM THE CHAMBER: CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT SERIESFrom the Chamber is quarterly concert series dedicated to the performance of musical works ranging from solo up to six players/singers.

Although the majority of the music performed on the From the Chamber series is from the classical genre, a proposal to perform compositions of other musical styles is encouraged!  Participation in this concert is open to all Bellevue College music students, including music concentration students, general music students, private instruction students, international students, and Running Start students engaged in the music program.

If you are interested in participating in this concert series PLEASE CONTACT DR. BRIAN COBB,, to learn more about the proposal process.

Last Updated January 26, 2024