Our office is open 8:30 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday, so feel free to stop by! The Student Business Center has moved to the second floor of the U Building and is open 8:30 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday.

Lisa Salkind Picture

Lisa Salkind

Program Manager, The Watchdog

  • Email: lisa.salkind@bellevuecollege.edu
  • Phone: (425) 564-2434
  • Office Location: C 235
  • Office Hours: On-campus days: Mon., Weds., Thurs. (8 AM to 5 PM); Off-campus days: Tues., Fri. (8 AM to 5 PM)


Best Way to Reach Me:  Email is the best way to reach me!

I manage operations for the student newspaper including recruiting, hiring, outreach and selling advertising. Contact me with any questions!

Lisa Salkind came to Bellevue College in 2010 after a long career in the advertising industry followed by several years assisting nonprofits with sponsorship procurement. She sells advertising and manages day to day operations for the Bellevue College student newspaper, The Watchdog, which employs approximately 40 students annually and is published weekly when the college is in session.

Lisa holds a B.A. in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing from the University of Washington. She sees her role as supporting one of the college’s experiential learning programs, which — in addition to teaching students journalism and work skills — also teaches students about the role of free speech in our society.