Our office is open 8:30 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday, so feel free to stop by! The Student Business Center has moved to the second floor of the U Building and is open 8:30 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday.

Tess McMillan Picture

Tess McMillan

Website Manager & Social Media Specialist

  • Email: tess.mcmillan@bellevuecollege.edu
  • Phone: (425) 564-5084
  • Office Location: C 226
  • Office Hours: I work remotely: Mon. 7 AM - 4:30 PM; Tues./Thurs. 7 AM - 5 PM; Weds. 7 AM - 3 PM • Friday 7 - 11:30 AM


I manage websites for Student Engagement, the Wellness Center, Housing, Athletics, and the Student Web, and am your connection to Student Engagement social media. Reach out if your organization needs a website or group email, help with your web or social media presence, or you have questions about poster design, publicity, and accessibility. If you’ve got an event coming up and you’d like photographers, let me know! One of my student staff might be able to attend the event.

Best Ways to Contact Me:  Email or chat with me on Teams

Tess McMillan came to Bellevue College mid-career to study programming and art, and while a student, received the Washington Award for Vocational Excellence. Her independent study capstone, “Images Without Sight,” featured former DRC Director Susan Gjolmesli and was exhibited in the Bellevue College Gallery Space. Prior to Bellevue College, she worked at Microsoft Learning, building companion content for hundreds of Microsoft Press books worldwide and the global Unlimited Potential program. She was on the team that created the original virus scanning and electronic release processes for all of Microsoft products.

Tess is responsible for Student Engagement websites and social media, managing the Student Web, supporting technology needs and working with student organizations on their Web presence and social media. She holds a B.S. in Zoology from the University of Washington and attended the U.W.’s M.S. program in Epidemiology. As a student, she programmed a computerized gait-analysis tool to help children with cerebral palsy.