Note: If you choose to self-purchase your textbooks from an outside vendor or through the BC bookstore with your own money, CEO will NOT reimburse you for your purchase. You must follow the steps below in order for CEO to cover the cost of your books.
By the first day of each quarter, please refer to your class syllabi and the Bellevue College Bookstore to find what textbooks you need for your classes.
Classes typically open on Canvas on the first day of each quarter. Please navigate to your classes to find any required textbook/course materials needed. For each class, look under the Homepage, Announcements, and class Syllabus.
When searching for textbooks through the Bellevue College Bookstore, please follow these steps:
- Log into your ctcLink account to view your schedule and class information
- Go to
- Click the “Textbooks” or “Find Your Textbooks” button
- Use your class information to find what textbooks you need
- Take screenshots of all the textbook information and be prepared to share the following with your CEO Specialist:
- Preference for electronic books (ebooks) if the option is available
- Mailing address
- Phone number
All CEO students, please either work directly with your CEO Specialist or contact Natalie Revollas at for help purchasing your required textbooks. The CEO Program helps cover the cost of:
- Required textbooks
- Most required course materials
- School supplies
The CEO Program does not cover:
- Rentals
- Large ticket items (example: camera for a photography class)
- Parking permits
- Fines (parking, library, etc.)
Find your CEO Specialist on the CEO Staff page. Students who have recently finished the introductory CEO classes, please contact either Natalie Revollas at or Michele Tower at
Website manager is Natalie Revollas
Last Updated December 20, 2023