ctcLink Data Validation Info for Managers

Bellevue College ctcLink Communications header

This email contains information about your employee’s role as a ctcLink Data Validator.

February 3, 2021

Dear Manager,

We are approaching the next phase of our ctcLink transition: Data Validation. As the manager of someone identified to help with this activity, we want to ensure you are in the loop on what’s happening. We will CC you on the communication to the validators which will go out soon. You can also view validator assignments in the central data validation tracking spreadsheet.

What is involved?

The SBCTC has already converted snapshots of Bellevue College Data to test if the configurations are correct. They will do this 4 times between now and October. During this time Data Validators are responsible for doing prep work, attending workshops to learn about data validation, identifying issues in the converted data and reporting the issues to the BC Testing Team. Most people will be reviewing multiple files with many, many rows of data and will be given specific instructions on what to look for and what to do if they find something. It is a large time commitment over the next 8 months, and we have been told it is one of the most critical step in ensuring BC launches ctcLink successfully.

Barring unforeseen SBCTC shifts in schedule, Bellevue College’s four cycles will occur:

  • March 2-18
  • May 12-27
  • August 5-20
  • September 27-October 1

How can I help my Data Validator prepare?

Supervisors can help data validators by reviewing schedules in advance to make sure the Data Validator has coverage for their regular responsibilities during this window of time and the time leading up to it. As a reminder Phase 1 training is also due by May 31st, so Data Validators are encouraged to complete as much training as possible prior to data validation.  They will also need to review their respective Data Validation section(s) of the ctcLink Reference Center and attend the orientation on February 18 from 1-3pm.

Next Steps

We will be emailing Data Validators with everything they need to know and will be sure to CC you. If you have questions please reach out to Maria Rivas, ctcLink Project Manager.

Thank you for your support of this project. We know it is a lot to ask and we appreciate the teamwork that goes into making this a successful reality for our college.

Rodger Harrison | Vice President   Information Technology Services  | (425) 564‐2224  |  3000 Landerholm Circle SE | bellevuecollege.edu   

Last Updated August 15, 2021