
WorkFirst provides support to students receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance from DSHS. The goal of BC’s WorkFirst program is to help students gain skills or earn a credential leading to higher wages, better jobs, and further advancement.

Scrabbles tiles spelling Life, Family, Balance, Work, and Career
  • Potential funding for school-related expenses, including:
    • tuition
    • course fees
    • textbooks and supplies
    • transportation
    • emergency aid
  • Education planning to help you efficiently complete your program of study
  • Advising to address barriers to academic or personal success
  • Help navigating college processes and services
  • Referrals to community and college resources

You may qualify for the WorkFirst program if:

What training opportunities are available?

Training options through WorkFirst include:

How do I sign up?

If you are receiving TANF cash assistance from DSHS, ask your case manager to send a referral to Bellevue College.  You can also get started by attending a Workforce Education information session.

What testing is required before I can enter WorkFirst programs?

  • ESL / ABE / GED students may need to take a CASAS assessment.
  • Students pursuing a professional-technical degree or certificate may need to take math and English placement tests.

What services are available after I complete WorkFirst training?

All of our training and educational opportunities are designed to assist parents in gaining skills that will enable them to support their families. After training, we may assist with job search. We help students plan for future classes and programs that could help them with wage progression.

Is WorkFirst at Bellevue College part of the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and/or the Employment Security Department?

No, but we partner with those agencies in order to provide training opportunities for parents on TANF.

How do I apply?

Apply online! We will review your eligibility for all of BC’s Workforce Education programs.

If you have questions before applying, please contact us at 425-564-4054 or

Last Updated November 15, 2024