Why are we changing to ctcLink?
BC is part of a state-wide initiative to change the community and technical college system’s data management software, and this change is scheduled to occur November 8, 2021. It impacts faculty because everything will be different – how to view your class roster, how to input grades, how to view your paycheck and so much more.
Why are we doing the self-paced training for ctcLink?
We want to equip you with the tools you need to do your job in the new system. As such, we will offer self-paced training courses, training-check-ins, and supplementary training.
What self-paced training do we have to do and what is the deadline for completing this training?
All faculty may complete the following courses at their own pace. Training is asynchronous and all faculty are welcome to complete the training any time until May 17, 2021.
Training is divided into three categories: All faculty must complete Tier 1. We are also requiring full-time faculty complete Tier 2 training in order to support their programs (optional for part-time faculty).
Tier 1: Core Training (all faculty)
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- CF100 Faculty Self-Service
Tier 2: Supplemental Training (full-time faculty required, adjunct faculty optional)
- CS100 Student Self-Service
Tier 3: Optional Training
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
- AS100 Academic Structure
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: Traveler
How do I register for this training?
Please self-register for training at the SBCTC self-registration portal. Please visit the ctcLink training website for additional information. Select only the courses listed above.
I am having difficulty registering or seeing my courses in Canvas. What do I do?
Please open up a ticket with ITS so that they can help resolve your concern.
Can I talk to someone about the training?
You can always email Warda Zaman for information on the training. Additionally, Training Check-ins have been organized for you to ask questions. A faculty member will be available to answer specific questions relevant to faculty. Here is the flyer with details on the courses and meeting links. Please note these sessions are provided in support of your learning and are optional.
When will a course show up as complete in the Completion Report?
Faculty will see their course as complete in the May 17 Completion Report if their final score is 60% or above.
Also, you may want to look at the last updated date on the Completion Report. If you completed your training after that date, then the report will not reflect your training information. The SBCTC can take up to two weeks to update training status, so your status may not show up right away.
Is there any compensation to complete this training?
Part-time faculty not already being paid for the April 22nd College Issues Day will receive a $50 stipend to complete the training by May 17. All faculty members were provided time during the second half of College Issues Day April 22 to work on the training.
When will I receive my stipend for this training?
Once we receive a report from SBCTC on May 18, we will start analyzing the list of completed courses and processing the stipends. It will take us at least 2 weeks to complete this process. We will update you once the process is complete and when you can expect to receive your stipend, though it will likely be on one of your June paychecks.
Is there a sandbox?
There is sandbox. This environment is self-guided, so you can explore the PeopleSoft tools, practice steps and workflows, and conduct trial-and-error business processes activities on your own, without hurting yourself or others.
Please email Warda Zaman if you have any questions regarding the training, or Maria Rivas if you have any questions about the ctcLink implementation at Bellevue College.
Is any Complementary Training coming up?
Additional trainings and support will happen in Fall – more to come on that…
Rob Viens | Associate Vice President | Office of Academic Affairs | (425) 564‐3158 | 3000 Landerholm Circle SE bellevuecollege.edu
Maria Rivas | ctcLink Project Manager | Information Technology Services | (425) 564‐3979 | 3000 Landerholm Circle SE bellevuecollege.edu
Last Updated August 15, 2021