The best thing you, as an employee, can do to help ensure our smooth transition to ctcLink is to complete the trainings identified for your role. These trainings will be offered in three phases which are detailed below: Phase 1 involves high-level, self-paced, introductory courses designed to give you an overview of the new system. Phase 1 is now open for self-registration! Please check ...more about ctcLink Training
DATE: June 15, 2021 TO: ALL EMPLOYEES (excluding faculty, UAT testers, and those exempt from Phase 1 SBCTC training due to their roles) SUBJECT: Online Self-Paced ctcLink Training Courses (and Other Information) This is a reminder that the deadline for ctcLink Online Phase 1 Self-Paced Training Courses is June 30. Phase 1 training prepares employees ...more about Online Self-Paced ctcLink Training Courses (and Other Information)
Update: May Dear Campus Community, As we move closer to our ctcLink implementation November 8, we are seeing tremendous results in our campus-wide efforts to prepare the college. Thank you for your extra time, extra energy and persistence in helping us be successful. Here is a brief update on all things ctcLink: Where are we ...more about May Update: ctcLink Implementation
Update: ctcLink Training@ Bellevue College We want to give you an update on the ctcLink Training at Bellevue College (BC). The data shows that we are making steady progress with people signing up for the training and completing it. Thank you to everyone who has completed the training! If you have not completed the training yet, please continue to work with ...more about Update: ctcLink Training at BC
ctcLink for Faculty: A Single Sign-On for Grading, Payroll, and More The second in a series of informational articles for the Campus Community As a Program Manager in the Academic Affairs Office, Iulia Zavodov’s primary concern in the Bellevue College (BC) campus transition to ctcLink is the faculty experience. She wants to make sure faculty ...more about ctcLink for Faculty: A Single Sign-On Grading, Payroll, and More
Why are we changing to ctcLink? BC is part of a state-wide initiative to change the community and technical college system’s data management software, and this change is scheduled to occur November 8, 2021. It impacts faculty because everything will be different – how to view your class roster, how to input grades, how to view your ...more about ctcLink FAQ for Faculty
Dear Campus Community, There has been a lot of work taking place on campus for ctcLink this last year. With the work ahead, and the understanding that there is limited time to get everything accomplished in preparation for our go-live date, President’s Cabinet has determined that offices may close to the public on Fridays starting April 30 through December 31, 2021. The purpose of these closures is to allow departments one ...more about ctcLink Friday Closures
Reminder: Please Complete Your Online Self-Paced ctcLink Training Courses We want to give you an update on the ctcLink Training at Bellevue College (BC). The data shows that we are making steady progress with people signing up for the training and completing it. Thank you to everyone who has completed the training! If you have ...more about Online Self-Paced ctcLink Training Courses
We sent out an email to faculty on March 15, 2021 about the ctcLink Training that they need to do in order to prepare for the transition to the new system. As managers of Academic Affairs operations, you should be aware of these key items: All employees (faculty and staff) will have the second half of College Issues Day on April ...more about ctcLink Faculty Training for AA Managers
Drop-In ctcLink Self-Paced Training Check-In Sessions Do you have a question or want to find out more about specific Phase 1 SBCTC self-paced training? Review the dates and times below and save the corresponding meeting link to your Outlook calendar. Employees who have completed ctcLink self-paced training courses are welcome to drop-in for these sessions by clicking on the meeting ...more about Drop-In ctcLink Self-Paced Training Sessions