Current DRC Students

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Request Accommodations Each Quarter

We recommend you request accommodations as soon as you register for classes. You can request accommodations through MyDRC

You may need to submit additional confirmation you are using certain accommodations. Please check your BC Email regularly for updates and notifications from us!

Student Central Appeal Process

Students may use the online appeal process for the following areas:

  • Medical withdrawals and refunds for a serious medical condition (including family members, for mental health, and death).
    • All requests for a medical withdrawal and refund are submitted and processed online.
    • Students must also submit the Health Care Provider Verification Form to the health care provider who can document the medical situation.
    • Other documentation may also be submitted, if needed, to provide additional information.
  • Military service or deployment withdrawals and refunds
  • Request for an official withdrawal after the deadline
  • Other changes in registration or admission not covered above

Other withdrawals should submit Enrollment and Registration’s Withdrawal Appeal in which you’ll have the opportunity to explain the reason for your appeal.

Please note the following when considering a withdrawal:

  • Appeals must be submitted by the last day of the next quarter (e.g. the last day of Fall Quarter for a Summer Quarter withdrawal)
  • A ‘W’ will appear on your transcript.  This is a federal reporting requirement and cannot be removed.
  • There are many potential impacts to your Financial Aid. You should talk with a Financial Aid advisor before requesting the appeal. They may be able to discuss better options to meet your goals of the withdrawal, such as retaking the class at a later time.

Student Release of Information Authorization

If you want us or another office to share your information with someone (including a parent or guardian), please fill out the Student Information Release Authorization. You can also Withdraw your Release of Information at any time. Read more on Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the law about student confidentiality.

Title IX (Gender-Based Discrimination)

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits gender-based discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funds. Title IX is most commonly associated with gender discrimination in sports and is credited with advancing participation of women in athletics. However, the scope of Title IX is much more broad. It prohibits gender-based discrimination in all college programs and activities.

Title IX protection from discrimination extends to faculty, staff and students. It covers a wide array of sex- and gender-based discrimination, including such things as: sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, gender-identity, gender-expression, and pregnancy. It also prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes or participates in a complaint.

You can report a concern online. If you want to talk with someone before filing a report online, reach out to the Title IX office.

Accommodations are possible for contacting and working with Title IX; if you would like to discuss this, please contact whomever at the DRC you feel most comfortable with.


Why are we moving away from Kurzweil? 

Previously we offered Kurzweil 3000 as an accommodation for students to use to access their textbook materials, in its place we have decided to adopt Read&Write. Read&Write is a huge step forward for all our students because it opens a variety of sources that you can use the text-to-speech tool with, as well as all the other built-in tools to help make studying and writing easier and more accessible.  

Read&Write is an educational support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments, and proofing written work. There is a desktop application available for Windows and Mac, with web extensions on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari, as well as applications available on iPads and Android tablets! Read&Write’s text-to-speech capabilities can be used on web articles, PDF files, word documents, and a variety of other text sources. 

Where To Download 

To download Read&Write visit their website

  • The page has a box that says “Try Read&Write” and by clicking on this box, you will be shown a drop down bar with links to download the style of Read&Write you would prefer
  • Please note that once the download is completed, you want to select “Sign in with Microsoft” and input your Bellevue College information


Check out Drop-In Tutoring options.

More online tutoring is available 24/7 through the Online Tutoring Consortium.

Sign Language Interpreter Request Form

Use this form to request an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter for an upcoming event, meeting, or appointment. Please complete and submit this form as soon as possible but no later than 2 business days before your event. The earlier you request an interpreter, the more time we have to make the proper arrangements.

This request form is to be used by:

  • Deaf or hard-of-hearing students as well as prospective students for meetings on campus
  • Hearing students who have no affiliation with the DRC but wish to meet with either a Deaf or hard-of-hearing student, staff or faculty member
  • Any college club who wish to have or require an ASL interpreter present for a college-wide public event
  • Any Deaf or hard-of-hearing student that wishes to attend a Bellevue College event

We recommend the organizer of the meeting or event planner request an interpreter. This is to ensure the form is filled out accurately. In the event of the request being made by a BC club/organization, the club/organization putting on the event will be responsible for compensating for the cost of the interpreter(s) and should include their budget number on the Interpreter Request Form.

Sign Language Interpreter Request Form

Last Updated September 12, 2024