Medical Withdrawal and Refund
In accordance with state law, Bellevue College may provide a full refund of tuition and class-related fees for students who experience a medical situation that prevents them from successfully completing the quarter.
Conditions and Information
- The medical situation may apply to the student or the student’s family, which includes parents/step-parents, siblings, children, spouse, or domestic partner.
- Students with disabilities can go through this process, and may also want to request accommodations from the Disability Resource Center for future quarters. If you would like to request accommodations for a disability or modifications to an accommodation, please reach out the Disability Resource Center (DRC).
- The college generally requires a complete withdrawal from all classes. If you seek an exception to this, please be specific in your appeal and supply documentation that supports this as medically necessary.
- Students approved for a medical withdrawal refund receive an official grade of “W” on their transcripts – no exceptions.
- The college does not approve a medical withdrawal and refund for subsequent quarters for the same or related condition or situation. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis using the appeal process.
- Financial aid students, international students, veterans, and other students participating in special aid or support programs should check with those programs prior to requesting a medical withdrawal to avoid eligibility issues and repayment requirements.
How Do I Request a Medical Withdrawal and Refund?
- All requests for a medical withdrawal and refund are submitted and processed online.
- Students must also submit the Health Care Provider Verification Form to the health care provider who can document the medical situation. If the serious medical condition is related to mental health, Bellevue College Counseling Center may be able to help with documentation.
- Other documentation may also be submitted, if needed, to provide additional information. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) and Title IX Office may also submit supporting documentation on your behalf if you choose.
For detailed information about the requirements needed for a medical withdrawal and refund, please refer to college procedure #2450 Official Withdrawal from a Course/s.