2024-2025 Academic Year
Associate Programs, IHSC, Intensive English | Bachelor Programs | International Business Professions IBP | |||
Expenses | Quarter (3 months) | Academic Year (9 months) | Quarter (3 months) | Academic Year (9 months) | 12 months |
Tuition | $3,637 $3,281(for Intensive ESL) | $10,911 $9,843(for Intensive ESL) | $7,025 | $21,075 | $12,536 |
Mandatory Medical Insurance | $483 | $1,449 | $483 | $1,449 | $1,932 |
Books & Supplies | $176 | $528 | $254 | $762 | $704 |
Computer / Other Fees | $144 $116(for Intensive ESL) | $298 $284(for Intensive ESL) | $144 | $298 | $466 |
Room & Board (Not paid to BC) | $4,576 | $13,728 | $4,576 | $13,728 | $18,304 |
Miscellaneous | $616 | $1,848 | $616 | $1,848 | $2,464 |
Total (Estimated) | $9,632 $9,248(for Intensive ESL) | $28,762 $27,680(for Intensive ESL) | $13,098 | $39,160 | $36,406 |
Required Amount shown on Bank Statement for I-20 | $28,762 | $39,160 | $36,406 |
Important Notes:
1. About Tuition:
These amounts are subject to change without prior notice.
- Students should be prepared for any adjustments in expenses.
- Tuition and fees are due on the College’s established due dates at bellevuecollege.edu/current-students/student-central/calendar/. Failure to make a complete payment by the set due date may result in classes to be dropped for non-payment and be assessed a drop fee each time.
- BC accepts payment by VISA, MasterCard, money orders, U.S.-based bank’s personal check, cash, a bank wire transfer and the Nelnet Full plan. BC’s international students are not eligible for the Nelnet installment payment. For wire transfer information, please contact ie@bellevuecollege.edu.
2. About Insurance:
Visit the BC-Foundation arranged medical insurance page for more detailed information.
Last Updated July 18, 2024