Reminder: Please Complete Your Online Self-Paced ctcLink Training Courses
We want to give you an update on the ctcLink Training at Bellevue College (BC). The data shows that we are making steady progress with people signing up for the training and completing it. Thank you to everyone who has completed the training!
If you have not completed the training yet, please continue to work with your supervisor to make sure you have time to complete the training.
What are the training deadlines?
- All staff need to complete their training by June 30.
- User Acceptance Testers need to complete their courses by May 31.
- Faculty were emailed their training deadlines on March 15th. Trainings should be completed by May 3.
How do I see my progress with respect to Phase 1 ctcLink self-paced training?
A Completion Report is available and uploaded online weekly to show employee progress. If your name is missing from the report, please email Warda Zaman.
How do I know which training to do? Please visit the ctcLink Phase 1 Training Page for information on training that is recommended by audience. It is possible that you might need additional courses based on your department and role. Please discuss with your supervisor which training you should take.
Employees will typically take the All Employee Training + Core Training needed by the department + additional training defined by employee role.
How do I register for the training? Once you have determined the training you need, follow these steps to register:
- Go to the ctcLink Implementation Phase Canvas Course Registration page . View this video on how to register or follow the handout to register.
- Complete the registration.
- When you next log in to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your courses list using your BC account. Please contact Warda Zaman if you have any questions.
Are you giving us dedicated time to work on our training courses?
All staff and faculty will have the second half of April 22—College Issues Day to work on their self-paced training courses.
Are ctcLink trainings necessary?
Without ctcLink training, you won’t know how to complete your timesheet, access your payroll information, and in many cases complete the functions of your role. Moreover, Phase 1 training prepares you to attend Phase 2 and 3 training workshops.
Please remember it is up to each of us to set the college up for success and completing the available ctcLink training that is one of the most important ways you can contribute to that.
What is a good training completion strategy?
Spread out your training course completion. Do not wait till the very end as the completion process can become very overwhelming. Previous deployment groups that put off their training had a much harder time knowing how to do their jobs in ctcLink.
Is there a demo?
Get a feel for the ctcLink system by conducting a ctcLink Demo for your team. Navigate trial-and-error business processes activities on your own. This environment is self-guided and you can explore PeopleSoft tools, practice steps, and workflows.
I need to speak with someone regarding the ctcLink self-paced training courses I am doing.
We have arranged Training Check-in Sessions for Staff and Faculty. Employees who have completed ctcLink self-paced training courses are welcome to drop-in for these sessions. You can also view the specific topics covered in each of the sessions and meeting links here.
Are there any other helpful links and resources?
- Review the updates archive or check out ctcLink frequently asked questions on the ctcLink website.
- Drop-in during ctcLink Office Hours from 9-10 a.m. every other Thursday from May 6 onwards.
- Find out more about the state-wide efforts on the SBCTC blog ctcLink Connect.
- View the SBCTC’s updates on ctcLink Accessibility.
- Each division has a participant on the Organizational Change Management (OCM) Task Force to provide staff with general information and help you find answers to your questions. Invite them to your team meeting to give a ctcLink update.
Please email Warda Zaman or Maria Rivas if you have any questions regarding the training.
Warda Zaman | Training and Professional Development Manager , Human Resources (425) 564‐2273 3000 Landerholm Circle SE bellevuecollege.edu
Last Updated August 15, 2021