“Yes, this workshop has been very beneficial. I would highly recommend this course, especially if a student has never used Canvas. It allows a preview of what one will see later in classes and practice using the program. The workshop also takes you to resources on the website that one would not normally know about.”
“The best part was that the course was facilitated by a faculty at Bellevue College. I learned that to be successful, I need to follow my Syllabus, check my Canvas Calendar and Announcements. In four days, I learned to respond to a discussion topic, submit my assignment, view my grades and read my teacher’s comments. I am ready to be an online student. Thank you for giving me this benefit.
“I learned that there are many different options for communicating with the instructor and classmates, that taking an online course wouldn’t mean that there would be a lack of interaction between students and instructors.”
“Our online professor in this workshop has been extremely helpful in that if we have any questions she is more than willing to give answers or instead offer tools to guide us to what we are looking for.”
“This workshop was great for teaching me how BC does online learning. In this, workshop I learned how to navigate Canvas and the BC website faster and with less confusion than if I tried to just figure it out on my own.”
“Taking this online workshop course was a wonderful experience. Not only did it help me become familiar with Canvas but also gave me an idea of how much time I should expect to spend on my online classes. Throughout this course, I have noticed that in order to do well in online and hybrid classes you have to be actively participating in the online discussions with your peers and make sure that you turn in your assignments on time.”
“The most important thing, I think, is the instructor’s suggestion of installing two browsers (Firefox and Chrome) on one’s computer, in case one does not work.”
“It was a very good experience to be able to learn new things in such a manner, even something as simple as the information available to you just by searching eLearning through the Bellevue College website. I feel confident that I will have a good eLearning experience this time around.”
“I really enjoyed hearing from someone who had designed and taught both a hybrid and an online course; her understanding from the instructor standpoint was useful to hear and take into consideration.”
“With the help of the instructor and other moderators, many questions were answered with detail and ease. One important question that was asked, in my opinion, was how to connect the Canvas tool with a smart phone in order to receive notifications of assignments updates. I learned that I could add my phone number on the website and change Canvas preferences so that I would receive text messages when there is an update on my online course.”
“Being a not very technical person, I was very nervous about starting an online class. Now, I feel like, even though it is a lot of work, it is going to be a fun learning experience. I look forward to my first online class.”
Last Updated May 12, 2023