Zoom to Panopto to Canvas


If you are using Zoom to host your class meetings or online lectures, then you can set it up so that the recorded video automatically appears in a Canvas folder.

Your Zoom cloud recordings are automatically being moved into your Panopto My Folder > Meeting Recordings folder. You can also use the Zoom meeting ID to move recordings to a specific class folder in Panopto.

Video Guide

Zoom to Panopto Guide (3:44)

Note: you must be on the official Bellevue College “Zoom users who are also Panopto users” list.

To get on this list:

  • Send in a Request Center ticket and we’ll get you on that list.
  • You must also initialize Panopto. Create at least one video in Panopto or upload a video to Panopto.

How to make this Work:

  1. The first step is for us to create a Zoom meeting. This can be a one-time meeting,  a reoccurring meeting, or a personal meeting room.
  2. Reoccurring meetings will all have the same Meeting ID. We only need to copy the ID for one of them.
  3. After you have copied the meeting ID then go to your Canvas site. Select Panopto Recordings. If you do not see this along the left menu then you may need to turn it on in your navigation settings.
  4. Within Panopto click on the little ↗ arrow at the top right of any Panopto page. The screen tip will say “Open in Panopto.” That opens a new tab in your browser, with the Panopto logo top left. You’re actually on the Panopto server now.
  5. Click on your name, top right, then from the pulldown menu, “User Settings.” At the bottom of the user settings page, there is a heading named “Zoom Recording Import Settings.”
  6. Click on “Add New.” Here is where you enter your Zoom meeting ID for this class, and next to it, browse to the folder for this class’s recordings. (For my above class, it was the “Spr 2020 – 4115B904 BTS 168 Business Data Management Tools” folder.) Be sure to Save that connection.
  7. Select Save.

Last Updated April 25, 2023