Download the step-by-step instructions or follow the process below.
Learn how to create your NetID (BC email address)
There are three ways to locate this page:
1. Enter URL in browser (
2. Select “BC Email” tile on mobile portal
3. Select “BC Email” on the Bellevue College homepage. You can find this link near the bottom of the page, with other links for current students.
If you are taken to a sign-in page, click “NetID Account Management website.”
Once on the NetID Account Management page, click “Create Account” to set up your NetID.
You will need to provide:
- Your ctcLink ID (you can find this in your “Welcome to BC” email)
- Your first and last name
- Your birth date
Forgot your ID? You can submit a request to recover it. This form requires you to submit a picture of photo ID for verification.
Tip: If you get an error that your information doesn’t match, try entering the preferred name that you put on your application. If you continue receiving an error, submit an Enrollment help request.
Create your username, which will become the first portion of your BC email address.
All students and employees choose a username based on first and last name.
The username format is: firstname.lastname. Your last name will appear by default. However you may use a nickname or first initial for your first name.
- brutusthe.bulldog
- brutus.bulldog
- b.bulldog
Username format: firstname.lastname
Email address format:
Choose your password according to the security requirements.
For security purposes, passwords must comply with the following requirements:
- Must be at least 8 characters long
- Must contain a variation of at least 3 of the following: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and/or symbols:
` ~ ! $ ^ & *( ) _ + – = { }| [ ] : ” ; < > ? - May not contain any part of your real name or NetID username, or be a variation of those names
Note: All NetID passwords expire every 120 days, so it is important that you reset your password on a regular basis.
You have created your NetID and BC email address! Write down your account information so you can remember it more easily.
Note: You will be able to access your inbox and emails right away, but it will take 4-6 hours for the system to allow you to log into forms on the Bellevue College website.
There are three ways to access your inbox:
1. Enter in your web browser
2. Select “BC Email” tile on mobile portal
3. Select “BC Email” on the Bellevue College homepage. You can find this link near the bottom of the page, with other links for current students.
Last Updated October 22, 2024