ctcLink Training for Managers & Supervisors

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January 15, 2021

ctcLink Training for  all  Managers and Supervisors  

Managers and Supervisors are critical to the success of ctcLink implementation at Bellevue College. In this training we will discuss the role and responsibility of managers and supervisors to ensure that ctcLink is launched successfully at our campus. 

Managers and Supervisors will be provided details on what will be changing as a result of ctcLink at the College. We will also provide change management tools to managers to help them transition their teams successfully. Attached is a Manager’s Guide that you can use for reference as you implement this change in your departments.

Please make it a point to attend this training. A recording will also be circulated after the event. 

Dates, Time, Location 

Thu 2/4/2021, 9 -11:00 AM, Zoom 

Mon 2/8/2021, 1:30 -3:30 PM, Zoom 

Registration (Click here to register

  1. Provide your employee information 
  2. Select the date you would like to attend 
  3. Submit your request 

Warda Zaman | Training and Professional Development Manager , Human Resources   (425) 564‐2273    3000 Landerholm Circle SE bellevuecollege.edu  

Last Updated August 15, 2021