VOL. 14 – January 3, 2021
Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher.
Maggie Gallagher
Welcome to the Winter Quarter! Thank you for helping students navigate the transition to ctcLink and the various enrollment challenges over the break. Your efforts are appreciated.
To ensure the safety, success, and health of our community, Bellevue College has made the decision to start the Winter Quarter remotely and continue in this modality through the first four weeks of January (Jan. 3 – 28).
Students will attend classes remotely using the course Canvas site on the first scheduled day of class (Jan. 3 for asynchronous classes), even if the class was scheduled to meet in-person.
Most classes will remain remote through Jan. 28 at their scheduled meeting times, although some classes, such as those in some health science fields, may return to campus sooner. Instructors will inform students if their class will be scheduled to meet on campus before Jan. 28.
In addition, many campus services will only be available remotely. Limited on ground services, such as access to computer labs, may be available after the first week. Students are encouraged to watch their email for updates and check the college website for more information. Student housing will remain open.
Faculty will meet with students remotely using Canvas on the first scheduled meeting day of the Winter Quarter (Jan. 3 for asynchronous classes), and for most classes, continue to meet remotely through Jan. 28. Classes with scheduled meeting times should plan to meet remotely at those times.
Beginning the second week, a limited number of courses (such as health science courses that have operated on campus throughout the pandemic) will be allowed to meet on campus. Instructors will be provided further information on these exceptions. Once approved, faculty should let students know of any expectations to meet on campus in January.
The President’s Cabinet and Flu Team will continue to monitor and assess the emerging impacts of the Omicron variant and make an announcement no later than Jan. 25 regarding how BC will proceed in February.
Instructor-initiated drop forms and grade change forms are available on the BC website.
It is vital that students take care of a couple of tasks in ctcLink as soon as possible. Since students do not always check their BC email, faculty are the most reliable channel for this message.
Please consider posting the following announcement in Canvas after your Winter Quarter classes are published.
Subject line: Important Tasks to Complete in ctcLink
Announcement: Welcome to Winter Quarter
Thank you for activating your ctcLink account. Follow the steps listed below to optimize your experience.
To Do #1: Confirm Preferred Contact Methods
Set preferred contact methods in ctcLink. This will allow you to receive important correspondence from your instructors and the college.
To update this information, click on Student Homepage, Profile, Contact Details, click on + to add an email address and a phone number, and check the “Preferred” box next to your preferred email address and phone number.
To Do #2: Confirm Program of Study/Major
Ensure your Program of Study/Major is accurate in ctcLink for graduation purposes (and so you don’t encounter any issues with your funding source).
- Log in to ctcLink and visit the student portal.
- Select the Academic Progress tile.
- From the left side panel, select Expected Graduation Term.
- View your Academic Program.
Please note:
- To update this information, you can submit the Academic Program Change Request form.
- Changes can only be made in between quarters by the Enrollment Services office.
- Submit your form no later than the 10th day of the quarter, Jan. 13. Changes made after this date will not go into effect until spring quarter.
Students may request permission numbers under the following situations:
- To allow enrollment in a class that requires instructor or department “consent” (permission)
- To override a full class or class with waitlist (from the start of the quarter)
- To allow late enrollment with instructor permission on days 4-5 (Thursday – Friday)
- To allow late enrollment with instructor and dean permission in through the 2nd week of the quarter
- Not common: To override enforced enrollment requirements
Students must submit a Late Registration Petition form when requesting permission numbers. This will automatically notify the instructor of the class. It is the responsibility of the instructor to evaluate the request and respond directly to the student.
Permission numbers are generated by each department and the process varies. Faculty who need help with permission numbers should contact their program chairs or other department leads.
Please note: The Enrollment office is not involved in this process and has no way of generating permission numbers.
It’s a great idea to check that students have met the enrollment requirements for your classes. This was formerly referred to as prerequisite checks. If you cannot access the advising center, consider submitting a ctcLink Security Permissions ticket.
There are a few things to keep in mind when assisting students with enrollment issues:
A student’s Program of Study/Major must be accurate in ctcLink for graduation purposes. To update this information, students can submit a ticket to Student Central (Type: Evaluations and Graduation).
Changes must be updated in ctcLink by the 10th day of each term (8th day for Summer Quarter). Changes made after this date will go into effect during the next quarter.
Students with direct questions about unmet enrollment requirements or time conflicts need to submit a ticket
to Student Central (Type: Enrollment Services/Registration).
The ticket needs to identify the exact course and class number requested, along with the blocking error. Screenshots of the error message are helpful.
Remind students that courses with an ampersand in the course title have common course numbering (CCN) and can be used for transfer credit at other institutions.
These courses are listed separately on the Subject (Department) drop-down list in ctcLink. For example, when students are searching for ENGL& 101, they need to look for English (CCN) in the Subject drop-down list.
When students are searching for a non-transferrable English course (for example, ENGL 99) they need to look for English in the Subject drop-down list. The same holds true for other departments that offer courses for transfer credit.
Academic Advisement Reports (AARs) help students and their advisors plan their education. They replace the former degree audit and provide more detailed information – information that can help a student view what program requirements they’ve completed, what they still must complete, and how they can complete them.
There’s a lot of work that went into making them available in ctcLink, and there’s some that still needs to be done. While most degrees and certificates with large enrollment are now built in ctcLink, a few of the programs with lower enrollment are still being built. That said, a majority of students can now run a report. View a demonstration of the AAR tool.
Please note: When you let students know about this feature, it’s important to advise them that this is best used to check program progress for 2020–21 requirements and beyond. Students who started a program before 2020 should reference the former degree audit (as it contains the most relevant requirements).
All faculty must complete ctcLink Canvas courses. Training is divided into three tiers. Please visit the Faculty Training page and click on Core Training for Faculty toward the bottom of the page.
All faculty must complete Tier 1 training (listed as Core Training for Faculty). Full-time faculty are also required to complete “Instruction Managers – Additional Training” courses in order to support their programs (this training is optional for part-time faculty).
Faculty may complete the courses at their own pace. Visit the ctcLink training website for additional information.
If you have questions or need help, there are a number of ways to get support:
- Visit the ctcLink Faculty website. The Faculty: “How Do I?” page features directions to a variety of tasks related to ctcLink. The Faculty Important Events page offers times for live info sessions and workshops.
- Search for an answer to your question on the ctcLink Reference Center.
- If you forgot your ctcLink ID: use the ctcLink ID lookup tool.
- Submit a ticket:
- For HR questions: choose Human Resources.
- For Finance questions (e.g., Travel and Expense vouchers): choose Finance.
- For Faculty-related general support: choose ctcLink, then Faculty: General Support.
- Faculty Advocate virtual support is available during the first week:
- Monday, January 3: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Tuesday, January 4: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Wednesday, January 5: 12 – 4 p.m.
- Thursday, January 6: 12 – 6 p.m.
- Friday, January 7: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Email the Faculty Advocates team. They can be reached at: ctclinkfacultysupport@bellevuecollege.edu
If you have questions, please email your Faculty Advocates. And if you have suggestions on improving this email, we would enjoy hearing from you. Contact Yves Martin, Communications Manager, at: yves.martin@bellevuecollege.edu.
Additional Faculty Posts
VOL. 13 – December 20, 2021
VOL. 12 – December 15, 2021
VOL. 11 – December 13, 2021
Last Updated August 25, 2023