Why ctcLink?

Official Communication Date

October 12, 2021

Affected Students

Fall Quarter 2021 Registered Students


Why ctcLink

Hi student,

It’s almost time for the upgrade to ctclink! Bellevue College’s new information management system “goes live” Nov. 8, and ctclink student account activation begins Nov. 17.

Why are we making this change? There are several reasons:

  1. All Washington state community and technical colleges are making the
    transition-and some already have!
  2. The current system is 35 years old.
  3. ctclink offers a centralized area to manage and track your education.
  4. ctcLink is a more modern, efficient way for the college to do business.

While the new system changes several processes, we’ll provide training materials, information, and important updates that help keep your education on track.

Learn More

Upcoming Dates

Oct. 20 – Financial aid offers and disbursement stops 

Nov. 4 – Student information cannot be updated. Information becomes read-only. 

Nov. 8 – ctcLink “goes live” at Bellevue College 

Nov. 29 – Winter Quarter registration starts (ctcLink only) 

What to Expect During the Transition

Many processes are impacted by the transition to ctcLink. And with the entire college involved, there are many moving pieces. We’ve worked hard to make this a smooth transfer and have tutorials, live support, and other ways for you to get your questions answered.

Expect to receive several communications in the coming months with more information.

Where to go for ctcLink Support

Want more information about ctcLink? Explore the ctcLink for students website.

If you have a more specific question that isn’t answered online, save your question for our ctcLink for students live support team, or submit a request online.

Last Updated October 12, 2021