ctcLink for Students: Winter Quarter Tuition and Fee Payments

Official Communication Date

Dec. 20, 2021

Affected Students

Winter Quarter 2022 enrolled students, Winter Quarter 2022 applicants


Winter Quarter Tuition and Fee Payments

Hi Student,

Hi {!Contact.FirstName},

Thank you to all students who have enrolled in Winter Quarter and made payments as we work through the stabilization of the new ctcLink system.

As the college continues to work through the transition, the college decided that no student will be dropped from their classes for non-payment before January 12.

If you experience issues with your account balance or making a payment, please know we are working to resolve issues related to our conversion to ctcLink. Students will not be dropped due to non-payment until at least January 12 so we can resolve issues and not have them affect your enrollment status.

Last Updated December 20, 2021