ctcLink for Students Class Search Tutorial

ctcLink Tutorial: Search for Classes. Learn how to search for classes in ctcLink

Explore the information below to learn how to search for classes in Bellevue College’s ctcLink public class schedule.

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Step-by-Step ctcLink Class Search Tutorial

Picture that depicts three different methods of navigating to the class search features in ctcLink: the BC website, the ctcLink mobile portal, and an URL. All methods redirect to Bellevue College’s ctcLink class schedule.

Step One: Navigate to the Bellevue College class schedule.

Three methods: BC website, ctcLink mobile portal, or use a URL. Please note that all methods redirect to Bellevue College’s ctcLink class schedule.

Method One: Select ‘Classes’ on the Bellevue College website (located in main navigation bar): https://www.bellevuecollege.edu/.

Method Two: Visit Bellevue College ctcLink mobile portal (wa080.ctcLink.us) and select ‘Class Search’.

Method Three: Enter https://www.bellevuecollege.edu/classes/ in your preferred browser.

Picture that shows the three different features of class information: Class Search, Browse Classes, and Course Catalog

Step Two: Select the ‘Class Information’ option you want to use.

There are three options:

  • Class Search
    • View course sections offered for each class and subject in a selected term (quarter).
  • Browse Classes
    • View classes offered for each subject in a selected term
  • Course Catalog
    • View subjects offered and classes within them, not specific to any quarter.

Picture that shows the class search page on ctcLink. An arrow highlights the term select field required for functionality.

Step Three: Select the term you want to display information for

Use the ‘Term’ drop down. This is a required field.

Picture that shows the second step of the class search feature of ctcLink. Text fields describe the other functions shown on the page.

Step Four: Select the Academic Organization or Subject you Want to Display Information For

Academic Organization
Use this field to perform a search for all classes in a selected term for a given topic. This includes CCN and non-CCN courses, with CCN courses listed after non-CCN courses. CCN stands for Common Course Numbered. These courses more easily transfer to other community and technical colleges in Washington State. CCN courses have an ‘&’ after their course name.

Use this field to perform a search for classes in a selected term, further separated by CCN and non-CCN courses.

Picture that shows the option on the Class Search function to add additional filter features. An arrow points out the location of the button on the screen.

Step Five: Add additional filter fields as desired

Select ‘More Filters’ to display all filter options (details provided at end of tutorial).

Picture that highlights the option for the Class Search feature to show open classes only.

Step Six: Choose to ‘Show Open Classes Only’ or All Classes

Select the check box to display only classes with available space, leave it blank to show classes with waitlists.

Picture that displays the search results of an example class search. An arrow points out the location of the search button, and on the upper right is a text box that describes the label columns on the search results table. On the lower right, a tip box gives additional information about the search results shown in the example.

Step Seven: Select ‘Search’ to display class sections offered

Information displays sections by courses and quarter.

Summary fields for each section include:

  • Days: Indicate what days of the week the course takes place
  • Start/End: Indicate start and stop times for classes
  • Room: Where class is located on campus
  • Status: How many spots are available

Tip: Pay attention to the Section name. This provides information on the course format.

  • LEC: Lecture
  • LAB: Laboratory/Studio

Picture that displays class information being pulled from class search. An arrow points to the expand button that will expand the information, and two tip boxes on the right provide additional context

Step Eight: Select ‘Expand’ to display class sections information.

Important detailed sections include ‘Information’, ‘Details’, and ‘Availability’.

Tip: Available seats in a course section are indicated in two places:

  • Beneath ‘Status’ in the section summary AND
  • In the ‘Availability’ detailed section

The first number is the number of spots still available, and the second number is the total number of spots for the class or waitlist.

Tip: Pay attention to courses with lab components. If you want to register for this course, you will also need to register for its laboratory component.

Picture that highlights the separation of information regarding lab components to courses found within class search. A note on the right provides additional information.

Find the Lab Component of a Course with a Lab Component

Note: Laboratory components for courses are listed separately in ctcLink. They are identified in two ways:

An ‘L’ is listed in the first string of letters before the hyphen (-)
The second string of letters after the hyphen (-) are LAB

A section’s lab component is denoted by the same letter(s) the section starts with, but with an ‘L’ attached to the end.

For example, the laboratory component for A-LEC (11990) is AL-LAB (11991).

Picture that highlights specific fields on the class search page where users can find class number information for future reference. A tip field on the lower right expands on potential usage scenarios.

Step Nine: Make Note of the ‘Class Number’ for sections you want to register for

Tip: Use the class number to more easily find classes you want to register for once registration opens.

Enter it in the ‘Class number’ search criteria field. Note: You must expand ‘More Filters’ to enter the class number.

Picture to accompany written class search instructions

Step Ten: Continue to browse the class schedule and make note of the class numbers you want to register for!

Picture of two fields. On the left, the summary fields used to execute class search. On the right, additional filter options to fine-tune search results.

Filter Options include:

Summary Fields

Term: What term (quarter) you look up classes for.

Academic Organization: Displays all courses (CCN and non-CCN) within a topic.

Subject: The subject of the courses you want to display information for.

Catalog #: A three-digit number associated with a course at Bellevue College. For example: 108 for BIOL 108.

Instruction Mode: The type of course format you prefer. Includes ‘In Person’, ‘Hybrid’, ‘On-line’, ‘Independent Studies’, and ‘Other’

More Filter Options

Keyword: Enter a word or phrase you want to see classes that might cover or contain the topic.

Start/End Time: Preferred time you want your course to start and/or end.

Days: Preferred days of the week you want your course to be held on. Please note: Online courses do not have specific days of the week.

Class Number: A specific number associated with a course section.

Course Attribute: Select ‘Bellevue Defined Attributes’. This is used in combination with ‘Course Attribute Value’ to display classes in subjects that fulfill particular degree requirements or are part of a specific category.

Course Attribute Value: Different options available to filter courses by, based on Bellevue College defined attributes (categories) or degree requirements. For example: Diversity Degree Requirement.

Instructor Last Name: The last name of the instructor you want to display course sections for.

Units: The number of units (credits) you want the course(s) to display information for

Video Tutorial of Step-by-Step ctcLink Class Search Tutorial

Demonstration of Class Search in ctcLink

Last Updated September 18, 2023