Student Emergency Assistance Funds

Applications for Winter Quarter will go live on Thursday, January 23rd. All applications sent in before that date will be denied and responded with resources.

The Student Emergency Assistance Funds pulls from two grants. The Student Emergency Assistance Grant (SEAG) is an emergency aid program to assist students experiencing short-term unforeseen emergencies and the Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH).

Funding Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be an enrolled BC student.
  • Student Emergency Assistance Funds cannot be used for tuition, tuition related debts, textbooks, or fees.
  • Each request for funding must be for a new emergency circumstance/situation unless informed otherwise.

It is with the understanding that due to limited available funding students who have not been
supported through the funds before will have priority over those who have previously received them. The funds are designed to be one-time assistance for an unforeseen circumstance that requires immediate support not a continually recurring situation.

Fill out an application here: Emergency Request Form

Email for any questions.

Students Emergency Assistance awards could be reported to the Financial Aid Office and may affect need when calculating eligibility and the amount awarded.

Approved funds may be directly deposited into your account, require in-person pick-up, or be mailed to you. Please regularly check your student email for specific instructions, as in-person pick-up may be mandatory.