News and Stories

We’re making headlines at Bellevue College. Take a look at the latest events, innovations, and student achievements detailed in our news and stories. From alumni profiles to institutional success, we are proud of the stories that make Bellevue College the region's college of choice.

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An affirmation of support for our LGBTQ community

Last Friday, the Department of Justice filed a brief arguing that the Civil Rights Act does not protect members of the LGBTQ community from employment discrimination. This is deeply troubling. As I begin my work as president, I would like to firmly assert Bellevue College’s continued support of our LGBTQ community.

We Are Allies Against Hate


It has come to my attention that with the heightened tensions regarding the recent incidences of hateful writing on campus, that there has been a corresponding increase in less than civil discourse. As we, a college community, engage in these difficult conversations it is important to remember that we are allies, not adversaries, when it comes to not only finding out who (plural or singular) is responsible for the recent incidences of hate speech, but also building the type of communal climate that we all want for the college. Accusing one another – student to student, student to faculty, faculty to staff and administration, and administration to faculty and students – is not helpful.

Addressing The Increased Violence In Our Country

Our college and country have been faced with yet another devastating mass shooting. Mass shootings, involving four or more victims, happen about every two weeks in our country.

Annual Review of the Bellevue College Strategic Plan

The Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) has completed an Annual Review of the BC Strategic Plan for Academic Year 2014-2015.

Growing our International Programs

In October, I travelled with our Dean of International Education and Global Initiatives, Jean D’arc Campbell, to Japan and South Korea where we signed Memorandum of Understanding agreements with three institutions to begin exchanging students and offering opportunities for faculty and staff beginning in spring 2016.

Legislative Visits

As we prepare for the Legislative short session, I’ve been meeting with our local and state representatives to gain visibility and share with them some of our college’s collective interests and needs, including tuition back lls, salary increases, bachelor degrees, and partnerships.

Local, state and national meetings

One of the ways in which I work to represent the college is through active participation on boards and committees. Through these organizations I am better able to understand local, state and national trends and ensure a Bellevue College presence in discussions that can directly affect our campus.

Passing of President Thomas O’Connell

Former Bellevue College President Dr. Thomas E. O’Connell, who led our campus from 1977 – 1981, passed away in Octo- ber at the age of 90.