Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver – Audit Only
Learn about eligibility and procedures for a senior citizen tuition waiver.

This waiver is used only for classes with space available one business day prior to the start of the upcoming quarter. Senior students must wait to register until 8 a.m. one business day prior to the start of the upcoming quarter, or obtain instructor permission during the late registration period. (See the academic calendar for exact dates).
Senior students forfeit the waiver option if they register before the designated time, even if they later drop the class from their registration record.
- Must be at least 60 years of age
- Must be a Washington State resident for tuition purposes
- Must be admitted to the college
- Students pay a $5 per class fee, and all other class and college fees connected with being a student
- Class fees can be found on the class in the quarterly class schedule
- College fees can be found on the Tuition and Fees website and typically run from $38 – $160 for a five credit class
- Limited to two classes per quarter
- Applies to state support classes only
Note: Bellevue College limits access to this waiver for senior students who take classes for audit only. This means that no credit is earned for the classes and no grade is recorded.
- Register for class(es) during the waiver eligibility period – starting at 8 a.m. on the last business day before the quarter begins (check the Academic Calendar for the specific date for each quarter).
- Submit the form: Online Request for Senior Citizen Waiver. Please do not submit this form unless you are enrolled in a class.
- Enrollment Services will process and apply the waiver to accounts which could take up to two business days. During this time, you will see the full tuition and fees on your account, but you are not expected to pay this.
- Once the waiver is applied to a student’s account, the student will receive a confirmation email to notify about the waiver and the class being changed to audit status. This is when you are expected to make payment.
For questions or assistance, please submit an online help request ticket to Enrollment Services.