News and Stories

We’re making headlines at Bellevue College. Take a look at the latest events, innovations, and student achievements detailed in our news and stories. From alumni profiles to institutional success, we are proud of the stories that make Bellevue College the region's college of choice.

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Paul Hlava Ceballos

Echocardiographer by Day, Poet by Night 

Transitioning from a career as a creative writing college instructor to an echocardiographer, Paul Hlava Ceballos took full advantage of Bellevue College’s offerings in the Diagnostic Ultrasound program.  

Aatqa Muqeet

Aatqa Muqeet: Embracing a Career with Purpose 

Working with immigrants at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security wasn’t on Aatqa Muqeet’s radar when she was first thinking about a college major and career. She readily admits she wasn’t at all sure what she wanted to do. Maybe aviation? Or maybe a degree and a career in medicine or technology like many of her peers. But none of those fields felt like a fit. 

Mykhailo Kuzomka poses at PwC

Ukrainian War Refugee Finds Success as Applied Accounting Alum 

More digits, less words. 
That’s what Bellevue College alum Mykhailo (Myke) Kuzomka initially thought when he decided to switch his academics to accounting. Instead of his initial program of choice that heavily relied on English—a language Kuzomka was and still is learning today—accounting provided him the opportunity to work with numerals and math.

Bellevue College alum Michael Muir sits at a table with a microscope.

Bellevue College Molecular Biosciences Alum Fights Aging with WormBot-AI

Bellevue College alum Michael Muir didn’t always know he wanted to help people through science. But now, the 2019 Molecular Biosciences program graduate uses worms, robots, and artificial intelligence on a regular basis to study and find new ways to offset the diseases of aging. 

Bellevue College alum Pooja Jain smiling with left hand resting under her chin next to design blueprints.

Designing Woman

Meet Pooja Jain, a successful BC graduate of the interior design program who landed the job of her dreams at Sechrist Design.