CARE Team Frequently Asked Questions

Important information related to BC's CARE team: who we are, what we do, how to help.

Students walk on BC's campus.

Why is there a CARE Team?

The Bellevue College CARE Team is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management and reduction of interpersonal or behavioral threats to the safety and well-being of Bellevue College students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Our goals are to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for members of the Bellevue College community, provide assistance and resources, empower students, faculty and staff to report concerns and to use social justice and restorative justice models as a foundation for our procedures and practices.

How do I make a referral?

Anyone can make a referral by using our online form at

If you need assistance, contact Steven Martel (Counseling) or Megan Kaptik (Student Conduct).

What should I report?

Any perceived safety concerns, should be immediately reported to Public Safety. In an emergency, contact 911.

Individuals in distress, may be disruptive to others, may exhibit behaviors that interferes with the academic instruction, day-to-day operations of the college, or may be experiencing a personal crisis.

How do I know if someone is in distress and what should I do?

Signs that may indicate a student is in distress:

  • Unusual changes of weight, hygiene or personal appearance
  • Highly disruptive behavior (e.g. hostility, aggression, violence, etc.)
  • Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, slurred speech etc.)
  • Loss of contact with reality (seeing or hearing things, which others cannot see or hear)
  • Inappropriate emotional outbursts.
  • Inappropriate communications (including threatening letters, e-mail messages, harassment)
  • Suicidal thoughts/ideation (including referring to suicide/death in a classroom written assignment).
  • Threatening others

Review the Responding to Student Mental Health handout by the BC Counseling Center.

What do I do if a student is aggressive with me?

These tips were adapted from the University of Santa Cruz’s Student Mental Health Coordination Services.


  • Determine if you feel safe with the student. If you feel unsafe, remove yourself from the situation immediately and call 911 and Public Safety.
  • Remain in an open area, preferably with an exit door near you.
  • If the class is in session, excuse the students for a break.
  • Instruct the student to lower their voice if they are screaming.
  • Stay calm and gain control of the situation by clearly setting limits.
  • Directly and clearly, explain the behaviors, which are acceptable and unacceptable.
  • Tell the student to leave class and to make an appointment with you after they have calmed down.
  • Report your concern by using our online form at


  • Remain in a place you do not feel is safe
  • Engage in a screaming match
  • Make promises you cannot keep
  • Ignore warning signs that the person’s anger is escalating
  • Threaten, dare, taunt or back a student into a corner
  • Allow yourself to be backed into a corner
  • Touch the student or crowd his/her personal space
  • Meet alone with the student

Can I report anonymously?

Yes, but you are encouraged to enter your name in case we need additional information.

Can I make an informational report but not have anyone contact the student?

Yes, you can indicate that you are just letting us know as an information only report when you submit the concern.

Who sees these reports?

All CARE Team members view the reports. The reports are managed and stored in our software database and are managed by the Director of Counseling and Manager of Student Conduct.

Records are maintained in accordance with the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and are subject to disclosure if ordered by a court of law or requested through the Freedom of Information Act.

What happens after I submit a referral to the CARE Team? 

  • CARE referrals are received via the online case management system (Maxient).
  • The referral is assigned to a member of the CARE Team depending upon the issue indicated by the referrer for case management.
  • The assigned CARE Team member will contact the referrer to notify them the CARE referral was received.
  • They will also check-in with the referrer to provide emotional support; ask any clarifying questions about the incident; and determine what resources the referrer may need from the CARE Team.
  • The referrer is often encouraged to use their connection with the student to provide them with support before the CARE Team intervenes. Oftentimes, having a compassionate conversation with a student about a concern can go a long way in resolving the issue.
  • Depending on the case, the assigned member may also provide coaching to support the referrer in working with the student.
    • For example, how to let a student know you are worried about them and how to get them connected with campus resources or how to tell the student that their behavior is inappropriate, etc.
  • If a referrer has already attempted to work with the student and that has not worked, the CARE Team member will then intervene with the student to provide support.

The CARE Team meets weekly to review cases. The time it takes to address a case varies because each case is unique. Some cases are informational (FYI) and do not require action beyond a consult with the referrer. Other cases can take a few weeks or longer to resolve. The CARE Team appreciates your patience and encourages you to stay in contact with the CARE Team member you are working with.

***Due to FERPA and other privacy guidelines, the CARE Team may not be able to provide detailed follow-up regarding a case.

It is also important to note, just because a behavior is annoying, rude, etc. it may not rise to the level of a student concern or mean that the Student Conduct Code (WAC 132H-126) has been violated.

Other Questions? 

Feel free to contact Steven Martel (Counseling) or Megan Kaptik (Student Conduct).