Academic Calendar Archive

Review BC's Academic Calendar archives.

BC's campus.

Quarter BeginsJan. 2
Quarter EndsMarch 20
Final examsMarch 18-20

Admission & Residency

Admission Priority Deadline: For earlier registrationNov. 1
Final Admission Deadline
After this date – applications processed for spring quarter
Dec. 20
Residency Application Deadline for Winter QuarterJan. 31

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Current/Continuing students: Registration beginsNov. 12
New /Returning students who applied by Nov 1: Registration beginsNov. 18
New/Returning students who applied after Nov 1: Registration beginsNov. 19
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.Dec. 31
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.Dec. 31
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.Dec. 31
Last day to register in person without instructor permissionDec. 31
Last day to register online without instructor permissionJan. 1
Late registration begins with instructor permissionJan. 2
Late registration ends 3 p.m.Jan. 8
Last day to drop a class without a “W” grade on transcriptJan. 16
Last day to change to audit (in-person only by 5 p.m.)Jan. 16
Last day to drop a class in person by 4 p.m.Feb. 21
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m.Feb. 23
Grades posted to transcript (updated)March 25 after 12 p.m.

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for each registration between Nov. 9 and Dec. 18Pay within 7 calendar days of each course registration
Tuition due for registrations between Dec. 19 - Dec. 25Dec. 26
Tuition due for each registration on or after Dec. 26Same day as registration


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: in person – 5 p.m., online – 11:59 p.m.Jan. 8
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: in person by 4 p.m.Jan. 21
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 21
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Financial Aid

Winter Quarter File Complete DeadlineNov. 6
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsDec. 16
Begin disbursement of refundsDec. 27
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to prior quarter gradesJan. 2
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Jan. 8

Final Exams

Final exam schedule website

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Office/division Closures

Campus reduced hours or closures

HOLIDAY - College ClosedDec. 24 - 25
HOLIDAY - College closedJan. 1
HOLIDAY - College closedJan. 20
Classified & Exempt Professional Development Day: No day or evening credit classes. Offices closedFeb. 17
Student Success Day. Special faculty hours for students. No day or evening classes. Offices open.March 17

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for winter quarter grade submission.March 9
Updated Grade submission deadline. Grades must be submitted in Instructor's Briefcase by 12 pm.March 25

Quarter BeginsApril 8
Quarter EndsJune 19
Final ExamsJune 17-19

Admission & Residency

Admission Priority Deadline: For earlier registrationFeb. 1
Final Admission Deadline
After this date – applications processed for Summer Quarter
March 31
Residency Application Deadline for Spring QuarterMay 7

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Current/Continuing students: Registration begins Feb. 10
New /Returning students who applied by Feb 1: Registration beginsFeb. 18
New/Returning students who applied after Feb 1: Registration begins Feb. 19
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.April 7
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.April 7
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.April 7
Last day to register online without instructor. permission. Last day for late registration. April 10
Last day to drop a class without a “W” grade on transcript April 21
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. 'W' will be posted to transcript.May 31
Grades posted to transcriptUpdate: June 24

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for each registration between February 10 and March 22Pay within 7 calendar days of each course registration
Tuition due for registrations between March 15 - April 7April 8
Tuition due for each registration on or after April 8Same day as registration


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: online – 11:59 p.m.April 14
Last day for a 50% refund less processing feeApril 28
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Bookstore & Textbook information

Online textbook ordering beginsFeb. 28
Textbook refund deadlineApril 14
Inclusive Access Opt-Out Date for 100% Refund
April 22

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineApril 22
Commencement ceremonyJune 19

Financial Aid

Quarter File Complete DeadlineFeb. 14
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsMarch 31
Begin disbursement of refundsApril 1
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to winter quarter 2018 gradesApril 8
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level April 14

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests
or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting spring quarter gradesJune 8 after 9 a.m.
Spring quarter grades dueUpdate: June 23 by 11:59 p.m.

Reduced Hours or Closures

HOLIDAY - Campus ClosedMay 31

Quarter StartsJuly 1
Quarter EndsAugust 13 (some summer classes have later end dates)

Admission & Residency

Admission Priority Deadline: For earlier registrationMay 1
Final Admission DeadlineJune 23
Residency Application Deadline for Summer QuarterAug. 1

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineMay 1 (delayed from April 23 due to COVID-19 related planning)
Registration begins for continuing studentsMay 11
Registration begins for new and returning students who apply by May 1May 18
Registration begins for new and returning students who apply after May 1May 19
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.June 30
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m. June 30
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m. June 30
Last day to register in person without instructor permissionJune 30
Last day to register online without instructor permissionJune 30
Late registration begins with instructor permissionJuly 1
Late registration ends 3 p.m. July 6
Last day to drop a class without a “W” grade on transcript July 13
Last day to change to audit (in-person only by 5 p.m.)July 13
Last day to drop a class in person by 12 p.m. 'W' will be posted to transcript.July 31
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. 'W' will be posted to transcript.Aug. 2

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for each registration between May 11 and June 14June 15
Tuition due for each registration between June 15 - June 30See table for deadlines
Tuition due for each registration on or after July 1Same day as registration


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: in person – 6 p.m., online – 11:59 p.m.July 6
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: in person by 5 p.m.July 11
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: online by 11:59 p.m.July 11
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application Deadline: to be included in the 2020 Commencement CeremonyMay 15
Graduation Application DeadlineJuly 15
Commencement ceremonyJune 19

Financial Aid

Quarter File Complete DeadlineApril 10
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsJuly 2
Begin disbursement of refundsJuly 2
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to prior quarter gradesJuly 1
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level July 6

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submissionAug. 3 after 9 a.m.
Grades due from facultyAug. 17 by 11 p.m.

College/Student Affairs Reduced Hours or Closure

Holiday - college closedJuly 3

Quarter Begins - With few exceptions, classes offered online through fall quarterSept. 21
Quarter EndsDec. 10
Final ExamsDec. 8 - 10

Admission & Residency

Admission Priority Deadline: For earlier registrationMay 1
Final Admission Deadline
After this date – applications processed for winter quarter
Sept. 7
Residency Application Deadline for Fall QuarterOct. 21

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineMay 1 (delayed from April 23 due to COVID-19 related planning)
Current/Continuing students: Registration beginsMay 11
New /Returning students who applied by May 1: Registration beginsMay 18
New/Returning students who applied after May 1: Registration beginsMay 19
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.Sept. 18
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.Sept. 18
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.Sept. 18
Last day to register online without instructor permission if class is full or has waitlistSept. 20
Last day to register online without instructor permission if class have space availableSept. 23
Late registration begins with instructor permission for full/waitlisted classesSept. 21
Late registration begins with instructor permission for classes with space availableSept. 24
Late registration ends 3 p.m.Sept. 25
Last day to drop a class without a “W” grade on transcript. Online only by 11:59 pm.Oct. 2
Last day to change to audit.Oct. 2
Last day to drop a class with "W" posted on transcript. Online only by 11:59 p.m.Nov. 10
Grades posted to transcriptDec. 16

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due registrations between May 11 and July 31Aug. 3
Tuition due for each registration between Aug. 1 and Sept. 1Within 7 calendar days of each class registration
Tuition due for registrations between Sept. 2 and Sept. 8Sept. 9
Tuition due for each registration on or after Sept. 13Same day as registration


Last day to drop a fall class with 100% refund less processing fee. Online only by 11:59 p.m.Sept. 25
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee. Online only by 11:59 p.m.Oct. 11
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule

Graduation & Commencement

Last day to apply for fall quarter graduationOct. 5

Financial Aid

Fall Quarter File Complete DeadlineMay 15
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsSept. 8
Begin disbursement of refundsSept. 16
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to prior quarter gradesSept. 21
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Sept. 25
Final exam schedule website

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY - College closedSept. 7
Campus Opening Day (Faculty Return) - Offices closedSept. 17
No Classes in recognition of Yom Kippur. Campus closed to the publicSept. 28
Faculty Professional Development Day: No day or evening classes. Offices open: Online/Remote services only.Oct. 20
Student Affairs Division meeting - Student Affairs offices closed 12:30 - 5 p.m.Nov. 5
HOLIDAY - College closedNov. 11
HOLIDAY - College closedNov. 26
HOLIDAY - College closedNov. 27
HOLIDAY - College ClosedDec. 24 - 25
HOLIDAY - College ClosedJan. 1

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for fall quarter grade submission.Nov. 30
Fall quarter grade submission deadline. Grades must be submitted using Instructor Briefcase by 11 p.m.Dec. 15

Quarter Begins - With few exceptions, classes offered online through winter quarterJan. 4
Quarter EndsMarch 25
Final ExamsMarch 23 - 25

Admission & Residency

Final Admission Deadline
After this date – applications processed for spring quarter
Dec. 16
Residency Application Deadline for Winter QuarterFeb. 3

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineOct. 25
Current/Continuing students: Registration begins based on assigned registration access timeNov. 9 - 10
New/Returning students registration begins (open registration, no "registration time" or appointment required)Nov. 12
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.Dec. 31
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.Dec. 31
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.Dec. 31
Last day to register online without instructor permissionJan. 6 if class has space available
Late registration begins with instructor permission for full classesJan. 4
Late registration ends 3 p.m.Jan . 8
Last day to drop a class without a “W” grade on transcriptJan. 15
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m.Feb. 21
Grades posted to transcript

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for each registration between Nov. 9 and Dec. 20 Pay within 7 calendar days of each course registration
Tuition due for registrations between Dec. 21 and Dec. 27Dec. 28
Tuition due for each registration on or after Dec. 28 Same day as registration


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: in person – 5 p.m., online – 11:59 p.m.Jan. 8
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: in person by 3 p.m.Jan. 22
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 23
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineJan. 18
Commencement for Winter Quarter Graduates

Financial Aid

Winter Quarter File Complete DeadlineNov. 6
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsDec. 28
Begin disbursement of refundsDec. 30
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to fall 2020 gradesJan. 4
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Jan. 8

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

HOLIDAY - College ClosedDec. 24 - 25
HOLIDAY - College closedJan. 1
HOLIDAY - College ClosedJan. 18
College issues day. No day or evening classes. Offices closedFeb. 11
College professional development day: no classes; offices closedFeb. 15
Faculty professional development day: no classes; offices closedMarch 2
Student Success Day. Special faculty hours for students. No day or evening classes. Offices open.March 22

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for winter quarter grade submission.March 15
Winter quarter grades due by 11 p.m. Submit grades in Instructor's BriefcaseMarch 29

Quarter BeginsApril 8
Quarter EndsJune 25
Final ExamsJune 23 - 25

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: Submit online application by 11:59 p.m. March 25
Residency Application Deadline for Spring Quarter May 8

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineJan. 15
Current/Continuing students: Online registration begins based on assigned registration access time Feb. 15
New/Returning (former) students: Online registration begins (open registration, no "registration time" or appointment required)Feb. 17
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.April 7
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.April 7
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.April 7
Last day to register online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)April 12
Late registration begins using online Instructor Permission process April 13
Late registration ends at 3 pm April 14
Last day to change a credit class to auditApril 21
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript April 21
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. 'W' will appear on transcript.May 31
Grades posted to transcriptJune 29

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for registration between Feb. 12 and March 12March 19
Tuition due for registration between March 13 and March 19March 26
Tuition due for registration between March 20 and March 26April 2
Tuition due for each registration on or after March 27Tuition due by the end of the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: Drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 14
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: Drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 27
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application Deadline April 23
Commencement Ceremony: Virtual ceremony online June 25

Financial Aid

Spring Quarter File Complete DeadlineFeb. 12
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsApril 2
Begin disbursement of refundsApril 5
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to winter quarter 2021 gradesApril 8
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level April 14

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests
or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

College Issues Day: No Classes. Offices ClosedApril 22
HOLIDAY Memorial Day: No Classes, Campus ClosedMay 31
Student Success Day. Special faculty hours. No classes, Offices OpenJune 22

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting spring quarter grades after 9 p.m.June 14
Spring quarter grades due by 11 p.m. Submit grades in Instructor's BriefcaseJune 28

Quarter BeginsJuly 6
Quarter EndsAug. 19 (some summer classes have later end dates)

Admission & Residency

Admission Submissions: Submit online application by this date to complete processes and register on time for summerJune 20
Residency Application Deadline for Summer QuarterAug. 6

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineMarch 31
Current/Continuing students: Online registration begins based on assigned registration access timeMay 10
New/Returning (former) students: Online registration begins (open registration, no "registration time" or appointment required)May 12
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.July 2
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m. July 2
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m. July 2
Last day to register online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)July 7
Instructor permission registration begins using online Instructor Permission processJuly 8
Instructor permission requests end at 3 p.m. July 8
Last day to change a credit class to auditJuly 15
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript July 15
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. 'W' will appear on transcriptAug. 8

Tuition Due Dates

Check this page for quarterly tuition due datesTuition due dates


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 8
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 17
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application Deadline: to be included in the 2021 Commencement Ceremony & ProgramMay 15
Graduation Application Deadline if not participating in commencement ceremonyJuly 15
Commencement Ceremony: Virtual ceremony onlineJune 25

Financial Aid

Quarter File Complete DeadlineMarch 12
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsJuly 2
Begin disbursement of refundsJuly 2
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring quarter gradesJuly 6
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level July 14

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

College/Student Affairs Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY No Classes. Campus ClosedJuly 5

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for summer quarter grade submission after 9 p.m.Aug. 9
Summer quarter grades due by 11 p.m. Submit grades in Instructor's BriefcaseAug. 23

Quarter Begins Sept. 27
Quarter EndsDec. 16
Final ExamsDec. 14 - 16
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of fall quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateSept. 15
Residency Application Deadline for Fall QuarterOct. 26

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineMarch 30
Current/Continuing students: Online registration begins based on assigned registration access timeMay 10
New /Returning (former) students: Online registration begins (open registration, no "registration time" or appointment required) May 12
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.Sept. 24
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.Sept. 24
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.Sept. 24
Last day to register online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)Sept. 29
Instructor permission required to add classes (except late start/continuous)Sept. 30
Instructor permission requests end at 3 p.m.Oct. 1
Last day to change a credit class to auditOct. 8
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript. Oct. 8
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. "W" will appear on transcript. Dec. 12
Grades posted to transcriptDec. 21

Tuition Due Dates

Click on the link for quarterly tuition due datesTuition due dates


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11;59 p.m.Oct. 1
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Oct. 16
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule

Graduation & Commencement

Last day to apply for fall quarter graduationOct. 8

Financial Aid

Fall Quarter File Complete DeadlineApril 16
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsSept. 13
Begin disbursement of refundsSept. 22
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring/summer 2021 gradesSept. 27
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Oct. 8
Disbursement of Funds: Due to the implementation of ctcLink, financial aid and emergency funds cannot be disbursed during this time.Oct. 27 - Nov. 29

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY - College closedSept. 6
Campus Opening Day (Faculty Return) - Offices closedSept. 23
Faculty Professional Development Day: No classes, Offices closedOct. 19
LIMITED SERVICE: Many Student Affairs offices are closed during our conversion to ctcLink. Check department websites for current closure informationNov. 8 - 19
HOLIDAY - College closedNov. 11
HOLIDAY - College closedNov. 25 - 26
Student Success Day - Special faculty hours for students: No classes, Offices openDec. 13
HOLIDAY - College ClosedDec. 23 - 24
HOLIDAY - College ClosedDec. 31

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting fall quarter grades after 9 p.m.Dec. 6
Fall quarter grades due - Submit grades in ctcLink Faculty Center.Dec. 20

Quarter Begins Jan. 3
Quarter EndsMarch 23
Final ExamsMarch 21 - 23

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of winter quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateDec. 22
Residency Application Deadline for Winter QuarterFeb. 1

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineNow
Current/Continuing students: Online registration begins based on assigned registration access timeNov. 29
New/Returning (former) students: Online registration begins (open registration, no "registration time" or appointment requiredDec. 1
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.Dec. 30
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.Dec. 30
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.Dec. 30
Last day to register online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)Jan. 5
Registration begins using online Instructor Permission ProcessJan. 6
Last day to register with instructor permission Jan. 7
Last day to change a credit class to auditJan. 14
Last day to drop a class online without a “W” grade on transcriptJan. 14
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. "W" will appear on transcriptFeb. 22
Grades posted to transcriptMarch 29

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due Tuition is now due at the time of enrollment.
Students will not be dropped for non-payment for unpaid balances until after January 31.


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 7
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 24
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineJan. 14

Financial Aid

Winter Quarter File Complete DeadlineSept. 17
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsDec. 29
Begin disbursement of refundsDec. 29
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to fall 2021 gradesJan. 3
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Jan. 14

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

HOLIDAY Campus ClosedDec. 23 - 24
HOLIDAY Campus ClosedDec. 31
HOLIDAY Campus ClosedJan. 17
College Issues Day: No Class - Offices ClosedFeb. 10
Faculty HOLIDAY - no classes, Offices OpenFeb. 21
Student Success Day. Special faculty hours for students: No class - Offices openMarch 18
Student Affairs Division Meeting TBD

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting winter quarter grades after 9 p.m.March 14
Winter quarter grades due. Submit grades in Faculty Center.March 28

Quarter BeginsApril 4
Quarter EndsJune 23
Final ExamsJune 21 – 23

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of spring quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this date March 23
Residency Application Deadline for Spring Quarter May 3

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineTBD
Current/Continuing students: Online registration begins based on assigned registration access timeFeb. 14
New/Returning (former) students: Online registration begins (open registration, no “registration time” or appointment required)Feb. 16
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.April 1
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.April 1
Waitlist: Last run at 7 a.m.April 6
Last day to register online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)April 6
Late registration begins using online Instructor Permission process April 7
Late registration ends at 3 p.m. April 8
Last day to change a credit class to auditApril 15
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcriptApril 15
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcriptMay 22
Grades posted to transcriptJune 28

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for enrollment between Feb. 14 and March 1March 15
Tuition due for enrollment March 2 – March 18March 25
Tuition due for enrollment March 19 – March 28March 30
Tuition due for enrollment after March 28Tuition due by the end of the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 8
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 23
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineApril 18
Commencement ceremonyJune 24

Financial Aid

Spring Quarter File Complete DeadlineJan. 14
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsMarch 31
Begin disbursement of refundsMarch 31
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to winter quarter 2022 gradesApril 4
Date for final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level April 15

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests
or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

College Community Day: No classes. Offices ClosedApr 21
Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day: No Classes, Offices ClosedMay 11
HOLIDAY Memorial Day: No classes, College ClosedMay 30
Student Success Day: Special Faculty Hours for Students – No Classes, Offices OpenJune 17
HOLIDAY Juneteenth: No Classes, College ClosedJune 20

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting spring quarter grades after 9 p.m.June 13
Spring quarter grades due by 11 p.m. Submit grades in Instructor’s BriefcaseJune 27

Quarter BeginsJuly 5
Quarter EndsAug. 18 (some summer classes have later end dates)

Admission & Residency

Admission Submissions: Submit online application by this date to complete processes and register on time for summerJune 20
Residency Application Deadline for Summer QuarterAug. 5

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineApril 1
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned registration access timeMay 9
New/Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins (open enrollment, no “registration time” or appointment required)May 12
Waitlist: Last run at 4 p.m.July 5
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 a.m. July 1
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m. July 1
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)July 6
Instructor permission registration begins using permission numbersJuly 7
Instructor permission enrollment ends July 7
Last day to change a credit class to auditJuly 14
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript July 14
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. ‘W’ will appear on transcriptAug. 7

Tuition Due Dates

Check this page for quarterly tuition due datesTuition due dates


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 7
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 16
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application Deadline July 15
Commencement Ceremony: June 24

Financial Aid

Quarter File Complete DeadlineMay 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsJuly 1
Begin disbursement of refundsJuly 1
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring quarter gradesJuly 5
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level July 14

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

College/Student Affairs Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY No Classes. Campus ClosedJuly 4

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for summer quarter grade submission after 9 p.m.Aug. 8
Summer quarter grades due by 11 p.m. Submit grades in Instructor’s BriefcaseAug. 22

Quarter Begins Sept. 19
Quarter EndsDec. 8
Final ExamsDec. 6-8
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of fall quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateSept. 10
Residency Application Deadline for Fall QuarterOct. 19

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineApril 1
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned enrollment appointmentMay 9
New /Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins (open enrollment, no “registration time” or appointment required) May 12
Waitlist: Last runs to enroll eligible students into open seatsSept. 21
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 a.m.Sept. 16
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m.Sept. 16
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)Sept. 21
Instructor permission required to add classes (except late start/continuous) – enroll with permission numberSept. 22
Instructor permission enrollment endsSept. 23
Last day to change a credit class to auditSept. 30
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript. Sept. 30
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcript. Nov. 13
Grades posted to transcriptDec. 13

Tuition Due Dates

Click on the link for quarterly tuition due datesTuition due dates


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Sept. 23
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Oct. 8
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule

Graduation & Commencement

Last day to apply for fall quarter graduationOct. 1

Financial Aid

Fall Quarter File Complete DeadlineJuly 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsSept. 15
Begin disbursement of refundsSept. 15
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring/summer 2021 gradesSept. 19
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Sept. 30

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY – College closedSept. 5
Campus Opening Day (Faculty Return) – Offices open at 1 p.m.Sept. 15
Professional Development Day: No classes, Offices closedOct. 17
HOLIDAY – College closedNov. 11
HOLIDAY – College closedNov. 24-25
Student Success Day – Special faculty hours for students: No classes, Offices openDec. 5
HOLIDAY – College ClosedDec. 21 – 27
HOLIDAY – College ClosedJan. 2

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting fall quarter grades after 9 p.m.Nov. 28
Fall quarter grades due – Submit grades in ctcLink Faculty Center.Dec. 12

Quarter Begins Jan. 3
Quarter EndsMarch 24
Final ExamsMarch 22 – 24
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of winter quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateDec. 16
Residency Application Deadline for Winter QuarterFeb. 1

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineNow
Current/Continuing students: Online registration begins based on assigned registration access timeNov. 14
New/Returning (former) students: Online registration begins (open registration, no “registration time” or appointment requiredNov. 16
Waitlist: Last run at 4 p.m.Jan. 5
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.Dec. 30
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.Dec. 30
Last day to register online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)Jan. 5
Registration begins using online Instructor Permission ProcessJan. 6
Last day to register with instructor permission Jan. 9
Last day to change a credit class to auditJan. 17
Last day to drop a class online without a “W” grade on transcriptJan. 17
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcriptFeb. 26
Grades posted to transcriptMarch 28

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due
Remaining tuition balance due for students who registered between Nov. 14- Dec 13Dec. 14
Tuition due for registrations between Dec. 14- Dec. 21Dec. 22
Tuition due for each registration on or after Dec. 22Tuition is due to the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 9
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 22
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineJan. 13

Financial Aid

Winter Quarter File Complete DeadlineNov. 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsTBD
Begin disbursement of refundsTBD
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to fall 2021 gradesJan. 3
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Jan. 17

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

HOLIDAY Campus ClosedDec. 21 – 27
HOLIDAY Campus ClosedJan. 2
HOLIDAY Campus ClosedJan. 16
Campus Community Day: No Class – Offices ClosedFeb. 7
Faculty HOLIDAY – no classes, Offices OpenFeb. 20
Professional Development Day: no classes, offices closedMarch 2
Student Success Day. Special faculty hours for students: No class – Offices openMarch 21
Student Affairs Division Meeting TBD

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting winter quarter grades after 9 p.m.March 14
Winter quarter grades due. Submit grades in Faculty Center.March 28

Quarter BeginsApril 4
Quarter EndsJune 22
Final ExamsJune 20 – 22
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of spring quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateMarch 23
Residency Application Deadline for Spring QuarterMay 3

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineNow
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned registration access timeFeb. 13
New/Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins Feb. 15
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 amApril 3
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m.April 3
Waitlist: Last run at 4 p.m.April 6
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)April 6
Late enrollment begins using online Instructor Permission process (permission numbers)April 7
Late enrollment endsApril 10
Last day to change a credit class to auditApril 17
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcriptApril 17
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcriptMay 21
Grades posted to transcriptJune 27

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for enrollment between Feb. 13 and March 14March 15
Tuition due for enrollment March 15 – March 23March 24
Tuition due for enrollment March 24 – March 29March 30
Tuition due for enrollment after March 28Tuition due by the end of the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 10
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 23
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineApril 18
Commencement ceremonyJune 23

Financial Aid

Spring Quarter File Complete DeadlineFeb. 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsMarch 30
Begin disbursement of refundsMarch 30
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to winter quarter 2023 gradesApril 4
Date for final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level April 17

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests
or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

College Community Day: No classes. Offices ClosedApril 19
HOLIDAY Memorial Day: No classes, College ClosedMay 29
Student Success Day: Special Faculty Hours for Students – No Classes, Offices OpenJune 16
HOLIDAY Juneteenth: No Classes, College ClosedJune 19

Important Dates for Faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting spring quarter grades after 9 pm.June 12
Spring quarter grades due June 26

Quarter BeginsJuly 3
Quarter EndsAug. 17 (some summer classes have later end dates)
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Submissions: Submit online application by this date to complete processes and register on time for summerJune 20
Residency Application Deadline for Summer QuarterAug. 3

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineApril 1
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned registration access timeMay 8
New/Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins (open enrollment, no “registration time” or appointment required)May 10
Waitlist: Last run at 4 p.m.July 5
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 a.m. June 30
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m. June 30
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)July 5
Instructor permission registration begins using permission numbersJuly 6
Instructor permission enrollment ends July 6
Last day to change a credit class to auditJuly 13
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript July 13
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. ‘W’ will appear on transcriptAug. 6

Tuition Due Dates

Check this page for quarterly tuition due datesTuition due dates


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 6
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 14
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application Deadline July 15
Commencement Ceremony: June 23

Financial Aid

Summer Quarter File Complete DeadlineApril 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsJuly 3
Begin disbursement of refundsJuly 3
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring quarter gradesJuly 3
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level July 13

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

College/Student Affairs Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY No Classes. Campus ClosedJuly 4

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for summer quarter grade submission after 9 p.m.Aug. 7
Summer quarter grades due by 11 p.m. Submit grades in Instructor’s BriefcaseAug. 21

Quarter Begins Sept. 18
Quarter EndsDec. 7
Final ExamsDec. 5-7
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of fall quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateSept. 11
Residency Application Deadline for Fall QuarterOct. 17

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineApril 1
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned enrollment appointmentMay 8
New /Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins (open enrollment, no “registration time” or appointment required) May 10
Waitlist: Last runs to enroll eligible students into open seatsSept. 20
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 a.m.Sept. 15
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m.Sept. 15
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)Sept. 20
Instructor permission required to add classes (except late start/continuous) – enroll with permission numberSept. 21
Instructor permission enrollment endsSept. 22
Last day to change a credit class to auditSept. 29
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript. Sept. 29
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcript. Nov. 12
Grades posted to transcriptDec. 12

Tuition Due Dates

Click on the link for quarterly tuition due datesTuition due dates


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11;59 p.m.Sept. 22
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 pmOct. 7
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule

Graduation & Commencement

Last day to apply for fall quarter graduationOct. 1

Financial Aid

Fall Quarter File Complete DeadlineJune 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsSept. 14
Begin disbursement of refundsSept. 14
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring/summer 2021 gradesSept. 18
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Sept. 29

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY – College closedSept. 4
Professional Development Day: No classes, Offices closedOct. 11
HOLIDAY – College closed in observance of Veteran’s DayNov. 10
HOLIDAY – College closed for Thanksgiving Nov. 23-24
Student Success Day – Special faculty hours for students: No classes, Offices openDec. 4
College Closed Dec. 20 – 27
HOLIDAY – College ClosedDec. 25
HOLIDAY – College ClosedJan. 1

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting fall quarter grades after 9 p.m.Nov. 27
Fall quarter grades due – Submit grades in ctcLink Faculty Center.Dec. 11

Quarter Begins Jan. 2
Quarter EndsMar. 22
Final ExamsMar. 20-22
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of winter quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateDec. 8
Residency Application Deadline for Winter QuarterFeb. 1

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineNow
Current/Continuing students: Online registration begins based on assigned registration access timeNov. 13
New/Returning (former) students: Online registration begins (open registration, no “registration time” or appointment requiredNov. 15
Waitlist: Last run at 4 p.m.Jan. 4
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available registration begins at 8 a.m.Dec. 29
Other State Employees: Space available registration begins at 12 p.m.Dec. 29
Last day to register online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)Jan. 4
Registration begins using online Instructor Permission ProcessJan. 5
Last day to register with instructor permission Jan. 8
Last day to change a credit class to auditJan. 16
Last day to drop a class online without a “W” grade on transcriptJan. 16
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcriptFeb. 25
Grades posted to transcriptMar. 26

Tuition Due Dates

Remaining tuition balance due for students who registered between Nov. 13- Dec 12Dec. 13
Tuition due for registrations between Dec. 13 – Dec. 27Dec. 28
Tuition due for each registration on or after Dec. 28Tuition is due to the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 8
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.Jan. 21
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineJan. 12

Financial Aid

Winter Quarter File Complete DeadlineNov. 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsDec. 28
Begin disbursement of refundsDec. 28
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to fall 2021 gradesJan. 2
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Jan. 16

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

HOLIDAY Campus ClosedDec. 20 – 27
HOLIDAY Campus ClosedJan. 1
HOLIDAY Campus ClosedJan. 15
Campus Community Day: No Class – Offices ClosedFeb. 8
HOLIDAY – no classes, Offices ClosedFeb. 19
Professional Development Day: no classes, offices closedMarch 8
Student Success Day. Special faculty hours for students: No class – Offices openMarch 19
Student Affairs Division Meeting TBD

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting winter quarter grades after 9 p.m.March 11
Winter quarter grades due. Submit grades in Faculty Center.March 25

Quarter BeginsApril 2
Quarter EndsJune 20
Final ExamsJune 17 – 20
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of spring quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateMarch 7
Residency Application Deadline for Spring QuarterMay 1

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineNow
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned registration access timeFeb. 12
New/Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins Feb. 14
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 amApril 1
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m.April 1
Waitlist: Last run at 4 p.m.April 4
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)April 4
Late enrollment begins using online Instructor Permission process (permission numbers)April 5
Late enrollment endsApril 8
Last day to change a credit class to auditApril 15
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcriptApril 15
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcriptMay 26
Grades posted to transcriptJune 25

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for enrollment between Feb. 12 and March 11March 12
Tuition due for enrollment March 12 – March 18March 19
Tuition due for enrollment March 19 – March 26March 27
Tuition due for enrollment after March 26Tuition due by the end of the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 8
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 p.m.April 21
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application DeadlineApril 12
Commencement ceremonySunday June 23

Financial Aid

Spring Quarter File Complete DeadlineFebruary 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsMarch 28
Begin disbursement of refundsMarch 28
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to winter quarter 2024 gradesApril 2

Date for final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level April 15

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests
or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closures

College Community Day: No classes. Offices ClosedApril 18
HOLIDAY Memorial Day: No classes, College ClosedMay 27
Student Success Day: Special Faculty Hours for Students – No Classes, Offices OpenJune 14
HOLIDAY Juneteenth: No Classes, College ClosedJune 19

Important Dates for Faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting spring quarter grades after 9 pm.June 10
Spring quarter grades due June 24

Quarter BeginsJuly 1
Quarter EndsAug. 15 (some summer classes have later end dates)
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Submissions: Submit online application by this date to complete processes and register on time for summerJune 14
Residency Application Deadline for Summer QuarterAug. 1

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineApril 1
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned registration access timeMay 6
New/Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins (open enrollment, no “registration time” or appointment required)May 8
Waitlist: Last run at 4 p.m.July 2
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 a.m. June 28
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m. June 28
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)July 2
Instructor permission registration begins using permission numbersJuly 3
Instructor permission enrollment ends July 3
Last day to change a credit class to auditJuly 11
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript July 11
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. ‘W’ will appear on transcriptAug. 4

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for enrollment between May 6th and June 25thJune 26
Tuition due for enrollment on or after June 26thTuition due by the end of the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 3
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: Drop classes online by 11:59 p.m.July 12
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule or contact Student Central

Graduation & Commencement

Graduation Application Deadline July 12
Commencement Ceremony: June 21

Financial Aid

Summer Quarter File Complete DeadlineMay 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsJuly 1
Begin disbursement of refundsJuly 1
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring quarter gradesJuly 1
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on registration level July 11

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

College/Student Affairs Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY No Classes. Campus ClosedJuly 4

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for summer quarter grade submission after 9 a.m.Aug. 5
Summer quarter grades due by 11:59 p.m. Submit grades and set to “Approved” status in Faculty CenterAug. 19

Quarter Begins Sept. 23
Quarter EndsDec. 12
Final ExamsDec. 10-12
Final Exam Schedule

Admission & Residency

Admission Deadline: To ensure all entry processes are completed by the start of fall quarter, we suggest students submit their application by this dateSept. 1
Residency Application Deadline for Fall QuarterOct. 23

Enrollment/Registration & Grading

Quarterly class schedule available onlineApril 1
Current/Continuing students: Online enrollment begins based on assigned enrollment appointmentMay 6
New /Returning (former) students: Online enrollment begins (open enrollment, no “registration time” or appointment required) May 8
Waitlist: Last runs to enroll eligible students into open seatsSept. 25
BC Employees & Seniors: Space available enrollment begins at 8 a.m.Sept. 20
Other State Employees: Space available enrollment begins at 12 p.m.Sept. 20
Last day to enroll online without instructor permission (classes with space & no waitlist)Sept. 25
Instructor permission required to add classes (except late start/continuous) – enroll with permission numberSept. 26
Instructor permission enrollment endsSept. 27
Last day to change a credit class to auditOct. 4
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. without a “W” grade on transcript. Oct 4.
Last day to drop a class online by 11:59 p.m. “W” will appear on transcript. Nov. 17
Grades posted to transcriptDec. 17

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due for enrollment between May 6 and September 2September 3
Tuition due for enrollment between September 3 and September 9September 10
Tuition due for enrollment between September 10 and September 17September 18
Tuition due for each enrollment on or after September 18Tuition due by the end of the following business day


Last day for a 100% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11;59 p.m.Sept. 27
Last day for a 50% refund less processing fee: drop class/es online by 11:59 pmOct. 12
Self-support and Continuing Education classes have different deadlinesCheck class schedule

Graduation & Commencement

Last day to apply for fall quarter graduationOct. 11

Financial Aid

Fall Quarter File Complete DeadlineJune 1
Begin tuition payment for awarded studentsSept. 19
Begin disbursement of refundsSept. 19
Petition/Appeal deadline for aid canceled due to spring/summer 2021 gradesSept. 23
Date for Final adjustment to Pell grant based on enrollment level Oct. 4

Testing Services

Testing Services maintains a separate calendar with dates and times for specific tests or services. Check the Testing Services website for details

Campus Reduced Hours or Closure

HOLIDAY – College closed for Labor DaySept. 2
Campus Opening Day (Faculty Return) – Offices open at 1:30 p.m.Sept. 19
Professional Development Day: No classes, Offices closedOct. 16
HOLIDAY – College closed in observance of Veteran’s DayNov. 11
HOLIDAY – College closed for Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage DayNov. 28-29
Student Success Day – Special faculty hours for students: No classes, Offices openDec. 9
College Closed Dec. 23 – 27
HOLIDAY – College Closed for ChristmasDec. 25
HOLIDAY – College Closed for New Year’s DayJan. 1

Important dates for faculty

Grade rosters open for submitting fall quarter grades after 9 p.m.Dec. 2
Fall quarter grades due – Submit grades in ctcLink Faculty Center.Dec. 16