Date posted: August 16, 2017
As part of his "Visual Explanations: Making ideas clear and Accessible with Images" workshops, Bruce Wolcott maintains a pretty exhaustive list of websites that provide free/Creative Commons/open source images. By popular demand, we are happy to provide a reference to Bruce's document, hosted in his OneDrive. Click here to see Bruce's list of free, open-source images: ...more about Free, Open-Source Images
Date posted: August 10, 2017
Link to the downloadable PDF Agenda. Do you teach a web-enhanced, hybrid, or an online class? Learn about creating an engaging and collaborative learning environment online using Canvas. Save These Dates! August 15-16 Instructional Designers will conduct interactive workshops and presentations on the following topics: Applying Accessibility principles to Word documents and Canvas Pages Canvas Tools – ...more about Announcing the eLearning Summer Institute on August 15-16
Date posted: August 2, 2017
LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER | ROOM D140 | 425-564-4210 Email contact: Fall quarter start date: Monday, October 24th to November 2nd, Registration Link Participant: Faculty Facilitator: Bruce Wolcott, Interactive eLearning Instructional Designer PD Hours: On completion participants receive 22 hrs of professional development time. Sign up for Canvas 101! REGISTRATION: Enrollment Link Hurry—enrollments are limited ...more about Teaching with Canvas: Canvas 101