Closed Captions

Zoom – Live Transcription (Automatic Closed Captioning)

Zoom now has automatic Live Transcription (closed captioning) available in English. Once enabled, this automatically adds text to the bottom of the screen. You are required to enable the Closed Captions - Live Transcription on the meeting level in order for the closed captions to be available to your participants. Zoom settings for the host ...more about Zoom – Live Transcription (Automatic Closed Captioning)

Online Meeting Tools Compared

Overview This is an ongoing evaluation comparing the different online conference tools used by Bellevue College. The College primarily supports Microsoft Teams and Zoom at this time. If you just need a quick and simple lecture recording rather than a conference then Zoom is often the best choice. Please view the additional comments, and FERPA ...more about Online Meeting Tools Compared

Students Want Better Organization, Clearer Explanations, and More Time to Concentrate on Learning

By Brian Bergen-Aurand The Survey Over the past year, the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) has surveyed four sets of students and faculty from around Washington, asking them to describe their encounters with digital learning. Specifically, SBCTC asked participants about their past experiences (what worked, didn’t work, was confusing or missing, and ...more about Students Want Better Organization, Clearer Explanations, and More Time to Concentrate on Learning

Accessibility “How To” Webinars

Are you interested in learning how to make your web content accessible but haven't had the chance to take the Accessibility 101 course? Jess Thompson from SBTCC and the creator of the Accessibility 101 course hosted an accessibility webinar series over the winter quarter and has created videos of those webinars. Each webinar video is ...more about Accessibility “How To” Webinars

Announcing the eLearning Summer Institute on August 15-16

Link to the downloadable PDF Agenda. Do you teach a web-enhanced, hybrid, or an online class? Learn about creating an engaging and collaborative learning environment online using Canvas. Save These Dates! August 15-16 Instructional Designers will conduct interactive workshops and presentations on the following topics: Applying Accessibility principles to Word documents and Canvas Pages Canvas Tools – ...more about Announcing the eLearning Summer Institute on August 15-16

Introduction to Closed Captioning

The 30-minute workshop Introduction to Closed Captioning that was presented in the Interactive eLearning Center earlier this quarter is now available at the eLearningMedia Bellevue College channel at YouTube. We will continue to present this workshop in the Interactive eLearning Center during spring quarter for those of you who are on campus and would like to ...more about Introduction to Closed Captioning