Date posted: January 16, 2020
by Brian Bergen-Aurand One way to continue to hone our online teaching skills while in the car or around the house (especially during inclement wintry days) is through listening to a digital learning podcast or two. Many instructional design workshops emphasize the value of using tools and alternative materials in online and onground courses to ...more about 5 Podcasts for Online Educators and Facilitators
Date posted: January 14, 2020
by Brian Bergen-Aurand With our continuing spate of inclement weather closing campus or otherwise interrupting our teaching schedules, I’ve turned toward putting some of my onground materials online. I’ve begun making a few resources and activities available to students with remote access because I’m trying not to fall behind. Most of us already use a ...more about Developing Hybrid / Blended Materials
Date posted: January 4, 2020
The Copyright feature was selected incorrectly in the last release (12/21). In the course content migration process, this caused all folders and files to be in the Unpublished state. The work around is to manually publish the folders first and the required files in the folder for each week. Here are the steps: Login to ...more about Publishing folders and files from the FILES area