August 2020

Live Faculty Online Support

Zoom Link Use this drop-in link for quicker assistance with any Canvas content related issue. You can also reach us using a ticketing system. ITS -TDX ticket: Add or Remove an Instructor, Canvas Shell for Incomplete, Request Center ticket: Design and Support Requests Instructional Design support from 11am to 3pm from Monday to Friday Do ...more about Live Faculty Online Support

SimCheck has replaced VeriCite

Review the Interactive eLearning SimCheck Guide. SimCheck is a new plagiarism detection software integrated into Canvas that checks your student’s submissions with sources available on the web, in our institutional repository, homework help sites, and books. VeriCite has been replaced with a new program called SimCheck. SimCheck is an optional tool for instructors. It serves ...more about SimCheck has replaced VeriCite

Zoom: Recommended settings

Here are our generally-recommended Zoom settings. When the white circle is to the right (and the switch is blue), the setting is ON. When the white circle is to the left (and the switch is grey), the setting is OFF. The yellow-highlighted settings are ones to pay most attention to. The red-circled ones are essentially ...more about Zoom: Recommended settings