We heard you! The eLearning staff has reflected on feedback from faculty who have taken OETA evaluation surveys as well as from instructors we work with in the eLearning support space. Based on your feedback and popular request, we have put together a series of exciting and informative workshops that will help you take your ...more about Summer Institute 2023
This training ending in March 2021, but we are continuing to provide Cidi Lab training at the 2021 Summer Institute, and at workshops offered during the 21-22 school year. Interactive eLearning is offering a full month of Cidi Labs training starting today. Join us 3:00-3:30PM to learn about Cidi Labs basics for first time users. View the March ...more about Cidi Labs training
How do I...? Interactive eLearning is thrilled to offer our second series of microlearning webinars. These webinars are 25-minute focused sessions on a single eLearning topic. The Winter microlearning series seeks to answer questions faculty frequently have in our live support sessions, as well as to introduce a new Canvas design tool called CidiLabs. These ...more about eLearning Month of Microlearning: Winter 2021
This project ended on August 31st. Thank you to all Participants and Course Reviewers, we will send a follow-up on the completion data in Fall quarter.The Peer to Peer Design Project is an ongoing project through Summer 2021. It is an opportunity for faculty to participate in a meaningful review of their course. The College ...more about Peer to Peer Course Design Project
In the last few months we listened to faculty concerns and questions in our walk-in Zoom sessions. The topics we have chosen for our first microwebinars, answer the frequently asked questions. Attend a workshop No registration is required. To attend a workshop on the date that works for you, click on the meeting link below ...more about Interactive eLearning Month of Microlearning
eLearning Faculty Summer Institute Summer Institute Feedback: Thank you participants for attending this year's eLearning Summer Institute, we had 68 faculty who joined us. The webinars and the afternoon sessions were well attended. Sharing some feedback. All sessions were online, and we missed seeing each other as we do every year. Here is a thank ...more about eLearning Faculty Summer Institute August 18
This event has been postponed. We will offer an Online Session with Interactive eLearning Designers at this scheduled time. Please stop by with your questions about Canvas or related online technology questions. eLearning Online walk-in hours and Zoom session link New Date will be posted soon. The Interactive eLearning staff and Instructional Designers will return ...more about Deep Dive Live 2020 – Postponed
Free professional development micro courses are provided by IRIS for modules running through the end of 2019, thanks to funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. (Most modules require between 1-3 hours to complete.) I recently completed the modules in Accommodations: Instructional and Testing Supports for Students with Disabilities and ...more about Free Professional Development Certificates Available through the end of 2019
Thank you for attending our Annual Summer Institute. Attendees, please complete our Summer Teaching Institute 2019 Evaluation. Maximum number of participants: 40 Date: Tuesday, August 20 & Wednesday, August 21 Time: 8am – 4pm Lunch: Noon - 1pm Last Date to Register: August 15 Location: Bellevue College Main Campus – Bellevue College Library Meals: Breakfast and ...more about eLearning Summer Institute on August 20 and August 21
By Sukirti Ranade, Director of Interactive eLearning & Multimedia The Interactive eLearning department is planning on organizing a Global Accessibility Awareness Day on Monday May 13, 2019 in the Interactive eLearning Center. Betsy Zahrt Geib (Instructional Designer & Faculty Economics division) with assistance from Brian Saborboro and participation from Raymona Baldwin (Disability Resource Center) have ...more about Global Accessibility Awareness Day on Monday May 13, 2019 in the Interactive eLearning Center