January 2019

Copyright Information for Educators – Online Selfpaced – Starts January 14

Greetings and welcome to the Copyright Information for Educators course made available to you through Interactive eLearning! As you plan your online courses you will be curious about how copyright rules affect your teaching in class, in Canvas, and beyond? This is online self-paced workshop has been developed by our Bellevue College Librarians. Upon successful completion of ...more about Copyright Information for Educators – Online Selfpaced – Starts January 14

XR Lab Open House for staff and students – January 10th

Come over, get a tour, and try out virtual reality for yourself! The Bellevue College Library Media Center would like to give Bellevue College faculty, staff, and students a chance to enjoy our newest space in the Library. Topic: Curriculum X-Ploration Audience: Staff & Faculty Curious about virtual reality? Wondering about classroom applications? Relax with ...more about XR Lab Open House for staff and students – January 10th