
Zoom: Recommended settings

Here are our generally-recommended Zoom settings. When the white circle is to the right (and the switch is blue), the setting is ON. When the white circle is to the left (and the switch is grey), the setting is OFF. The yellow-highlighted settings are ones to pay most attention to. The red-circled ones are essentially ...more about Zoom: Recommended settings

Online Meeting Tools Compared

Overview This is an ongoing evaluation comparing the different online conference tools used by Bellevue College. The College primarily supports Microsoft Teams and Zoom at this time. If you just need a quick and simple lecture recording rather than a conference then Zoom is often the best choice. Please view the additional comments, and FERPA ...more about Online Meeting Tools Compared

Are We Overinvesting in Welcome Videos?

by Brian Bergen-Aurand Since the 1980s, we have seen plenty of research on the isolating effects of digital education. Students taking online courses often complain of feeling lonely and detached from their instructors and peers and disengaged from the course content because of the lack of social interaction involved in many elearning environments. For the ...more about Are We Overinvesting in Welcome Videos?

eLearning Summer Teaching Institute 2018

Save the Date! Do you teach a web-enhanced, hybrid, or an online class? Learn about creating an engaging and collaborative learning environment online using Canvas. Save These Dates! August 21st - August 22nd, 2018 Instructional Designers will conduct interactive workshops and presentations on the following possible topics: Canvas Basics: Aligning Your Syllabus, Rubrics, and Gradebook Importing ...more about eLearning Summer Teaching Institute 2018

Accessibility “How To” Webinars

Are you interested in learning how to make your web content accessible but haven't had the chance to take the Accessibility 101 course? Jess Thompson from SBTCC and the creator of the Accessibility 101 course hosted an accessibility webinar series over the winter quarter and has created videos of those webinars. Each webinar video is ...more about Accessibility “How To” Webinars