eLearning Tip: Adjusting Images with MS Paint

How to Adjust Your Image with MS Paint 3D

Bulldog BC mascot

Welcome to eLearning Paw Tips. This episode steps through how you can crop and resize images using MS Paint 3D. This program comes with most Windows machines since 2016. Please let me know if you have any questions about how this works. – Ron Austin (elearning@bellevuecollege.edu)

Training by Request

Interactive eLearning will provide individual training for faculty and your program and division upon request. Topic ideas: Accessibility in PDF, Canvas basics, captions & transcripts – a UDL approach, Cidi Labs and Canvas Hacks, introduction to Panopto, posting and editing videos, Respondus LockDown Browser, Microsoft Office 365 for teaching, UDL – design for all, and Zoom & OWL workshops. For more information create a Request Center ticket.

About Paw Tips

eLearning at Your Paw Tips is a series of short videos describing how to use eLearning tools which are available to you at a low cost or more often, for free at the tip of your fingers. Select this link to view all episodes.

Last Updated June 13, 2024