Transportation Assistance
Find out how easy it is! Think you don’t have commuting options? Not sure how to start planning your trip? Confused about resources on campus? Let us help! We would love to help you get to campus in a way that’s fast, efficient, and economical!
Get Personalized Transportation Help All Year Round
Location & Contact Info
We offer one-on-one transportation assistance to students, staff, and faculty to help you evaluate and understand the best routes for you to get to campus by bus, bike, walk, carpool, skateboard and more!
Swing by our Transportation Desk during posted hours in C106 by the Student Business Center, email us your questions, or set an appointment to chat.
Online Trip Planning Help
When planning your trip, keep the following tips in mind:
- Catch the bus from a Park and Ride near your home! Consider biking or carpooling with neighbors and friends. There are many P&R locations. Metro Park and Ride info / WSDOT Park and Ride info
- DART (Dial-A-Ride-Transit) may be able to reach your location if regular bus service does not!
- Try using Google Maps to plan your route!
Would you like to be a volunteer with our Transportation Assistance program and help your peers get to campus? Email