2018-2019 Worksheets

Completion worksheets list the requirements for all Bellevue College degrees and certificates and help you keep track of your progress as you complete your degree or certificate. These worksheets are for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Students in scrubs lean over a campus balcony.

The most up-to-date worksheets are now part of our online catalog!

To view the new worksheets, visit our Online Catalog and find your degree or program.

From the degree or program page, click the ‘Print Degree Planner’ icon. Example of button. Labeled 'Print Degree Planner', and appears above the degree title heading as the first in a button group

Not ready to make the switch? 2018-2019 worksheets in the legacy format available below during this transition process.

Bachelor Degrees (2018-2019)

Worksheets for Bachelor of Applied Arts, Bachelor of Applied Science, and Bachelor of Science degrees.

Baccalaureate Certificates (2018-2019)

Baccalaureate certificates are excellent options for students with jobs and families who want to take a first step toward a degree or learn specific skills to further their careers

Transfer Associate Degrees (2018-2019)

Worksheets for transfer associate degrees which prepare students to pursue a variety of intended majors for a bachelor degree at a university.

Professional/Technical Degrees and Certificates (2018-2019)

Worksheets for a wide array of associate degrees and certificates which prepare students to enter the workforce with the education and skills required.

Non-Transfer Associate Degrees (2018-2019)

Worksheets for two alternative non-transfer associate degrees to grant academic recognition for students completing 90 credits of college level courses. These degrees are not designed for students who intend to pursue a bachelor degree at a university.