Thank you for attending our Annual Summer Institute. Attendees, please complete our Summer Teaching Institute 2019 Evaluation.

Maximum number of participants: 40
Date: Tuesday, August 20 & Wednesday, August 21
Time: 8am – 4pm
Lunch: Noon – 1pm
Last Date to Register: August 15
Location: Bellevue College Main Campus – Bellevue College Library
Meals: Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Breakfast will begin at 8 am. The first presentation will begin at 9 am.
Stipend: $200 for attending both days
Instructional Designers will conduct interactive workshops and presentations on the following topics:
- Responsive Design – Responds to the needs of the users and the devices used
- Instructional Design – Intermediate Canvas
- Visual Design – Screen Capture, Captioning using Panopto or YouTube
- Analytical Design – Developing materials for Online/Hybrid/On-ground course delivery
We will have four concurrent sessions. Facilitators will demonstrate a concept and share effective examples of activities in Canvas. Each session will have a hands-on component where you will get time to update your current Canvas course.
Lightning Rounds:
- OER, Heath Hayden
- Library Resources, Betsy Zahrt Geib
- H5P, Ron Austin
- SSLOG, Maggie Seibel
- Open Share session
Announcements / Other:
- Data / Canvas usage stats
- Canvas 201
- Request Center update
- Q Room (Panopto / Lecture capture room with Light-board)
Instructional Design 1: Canvas Basics
Aug. 2, Tuesday at 9am – facilitator Bruce Wolcott
These topics will be covered as an introduction to basic features of every Canvas course, for beginners and more experienced instructors needing a review.
- What is Canvas? (What is the Canvas Course Management System, and why you should know about it)
- Access Canvas and the Canvas Faculty Sandbox: Steps for opening a Canvas account and building content in the Canvas faculty creation space.
- Your Syllabus in Canvas (locating and using the syllabus template, how to upload and access the syllabus in a Canvas course)
- Profile and Notifications (create a profile, set contact emails/phone numbers, notifications)
- Import Courses (using the Settings section for course start and stop dates, import Canvas courses)
- Modules Using Modules to organize course content.
- Class Home Page (essential information to include on a course homepage, accessibility features, embedding and image with accessibility, creating links)
- Getting Started Module (Getting Started Module Canvas information site, recommended content)
Instructor bio, course policies, Q&A, syllabus, technology requirements
Instructional Design 2: Building a Custom Homepage in Canvas
Aug. 20, Tuesday afternoon at 1pm and Aug. 21, Wednesday morning at 9am.
– facilitator Bruce Wolcott
This workshop will explore what makes a strong, functional course homepage. Participants will:
- Reflect on their current understanding and use of custom homepages
- Identify what elements and features a good homepage should include
- Analyze various examples of custom homepages built by BC instructors
- Explore and practice using the Rich Content Editor for creating pages
- Learn best practices for image editing/sizing
- Design and build a complete homepage
Visual Design 1: Creating Videos with Panopto and YouTube
Aug. 20, Tuesday morning at 9am and 1pm – facilitator Keith Rowley
Participants in this workshop will use Panopto to create a video (with audio), while also viewing, searching, managing, editing, and sharing their videos. We will also enable Panopto’s auto captions. Time permitting, we will embed a quiz inside the video and connect it to the Canvas gradebook.
All equipment will be provided. However, if you have a favorite laptop and/or headset mic, you’re welcome to bring it. Panopto integrates well with PowerPoint; if you use PowerPoint presentations for your lectures, feel free to bring a presentation with you. We access Panopto via Canvas: be prepared to use one of your Canvas sites. (We recommend your Sandbox.)
Visual Design 2: Video Captioning
Aug. 21, Wednesday morning at 9am – facilitator Keith Rowley
This workshop focuses specifically on captioning already-produced educational videos. It gives tips and tricks for creating and editing Panopto auto-captions, and creating, saving, uploading, and adjusting transcripts for a YouTube video. It will also cover downloading the caption files from YouTube and the reasons for choosing specific file formats. Creating and editing captions is a transferable skill; learning to use one product will enable you to learn another quickly. We are working in Panopto because the SBCTC has licensed it for use by all State Board institutions; we are working in YouTube because it is ubiquitous and many of us already use it.
Participants in this workshop should have already produced educational video resources and an existing YouTube channel.
- Here is a 34-second video if you need one to play with.
- If you need to create a YouTube channel, check out this quickstart guide to YouTube
- Experience with closed captioning is not required.
- This session will be live-streamed, Wednesday 9am. Join online via Zoom here.
Responsive Design 1: Designing for Regular and Substantive Interaction
Aug. 20, Tuesday morning at 9am – facilitator Betsy Zahrt Geib
Teacher presence is a vital component to online student success. In this interactive workshop, we’ll explore practices that promote instructor interaction and student engagement and the Canvas tools that can support these practices. There will be time at the end of the workshop to implement ideas in your own course(s).
The specific tools we’ll focus on include
- Announcements
- Gradebook
- Rubrics
- DocViewer
- Comments
- Discussions
- Surveys
- Video conferences
- Collaborations
Responsive Design 2: 20 Tips for Mobile Learning
Aug. 20, Tuesday afternoon at 1pm, Wednesday morning at 9am,
– facilitator Betsy Zahrt Geib
Mobile learning is defined as learning that takes place across time and space, recognizing that the content, the learner, and the learning are all mobile and connected. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to harness the power of mobile learning and what that means for your online course design. We’ll cover 10 tips for designing for mobile devices and 10 tips for designing for mobile learning. There will be time at the end of the workshop to implement some of these tips.
Analytical Design 1: Quality Matters and Quality Online Instruction (QM / QOI)
Aug. 20 Tuesday morning at 9am and Aug. 21, Wednesday morning at 9am –
– facilitator Brian Bergen-Aurand
This collaborative workshop focuses on building Canvas pages with online teaching standards and quality assessment practices in mind, including the use of self-evaluation, peer review, and usability testing. It explores Quality Matters Sixth Edition Standards (QM), Bellevue College’s Quality Online Instruction process for peer review (QOI), and the current version of the Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) Course Design Checklist (CDC). Participants will conduct self and peer reviews of elements of a course using several assessment and evaluation tools.
WA Course Design Checklist – Introduction
QOI – Quality Online Instruction
QM – Quality Matters and QM Higher-ed Rubric
Analytical Design 2: Analytical Design and Learner Data
Aug 20, Tuesday afternoon at 1pm – facilitator Brian Bergen-Aurand
We often forget that student engagement waxes and wanes. In this workshop, we will explore analytical design techniques to help us address some of the variables that affect student engagement. We will discuss internal and external motivations, various levels of participation and interaction, and ways of framing engagement in terms of student progress—techniques that support learner autonomy and encourage them to develop even higher levels of motivation. Then, we will look at some tools to help us track data that might measure engagement in response to course design and development.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Keith Rowley, Instructional Designer, keith.rowley@bellevuecollege.edu
Elizabeth Zahrt Geib, Instructional Designer, elizabeth.zahrtgeib@bellevuecollege.edu
Bruce Wolcott, Instructional Designer, bwolcott@bellevuecollege.edu
Brian Bergen-Aurand, Instructional Designer, brian.bergen-aurand@bellevuecollege.edu
George Rowe, Instructional Designer, george.rowe@bellevuecollege.edu
Sukirti Ranade, Director of Interactive eLearning and Multimedia
Heather Rane, Digital Learning Coordinator

Last Updated January 23, 2025