Deep Dive Live 2020 – Postponed

This event has been postponed. We will offer an Online Session with eLearning Designers at this scheduled time. Please stop by with your questions about Canvas or related online technology questions. eLearning Online walk-in hours and Zoom session link New Date will be posted soon. The eLearning staff and Instructional Designers will return for Deep ...more about Deep Dive Live 2020 – Postponed

Developing Hybrid / Blended Materials

by Brian Bergen-Aurand With our continuing spate of inclement weather closing campus or otherwise interrupting our teaching schedules, I’ve turned toward putting some of my onground materials online. I’ve begun making a few resources and activities available to students with remote access because I’m trying not to fall behind. Most of us already use a ...more about Developing Hybrid / Blended Materials

Use Canvas during Inclement weather

by Sukirti Ranade. How will your students access your course in case of a campus-wide shut down? Instructors: Establish notification procedures for students (both to and from); reduce or eliminate unnecessary student trips to campus when the instructor cannot make it to campus. Design-in multiple, flexible communication and learning strategies and options that do not ...more about Use Canvas during Inclement weather

The Northwest eLearning Conference

by Ron Austin In October 2019, I attended the NWeLearn Conference in Bend, Oregon with fellow Bellevue College Instructional Designer Bruce Wolcott. I was surprised I hadn’t heard of this particular group before attending the event. This organization has been around for over twelve years (since 2007) and is made up of many educators from ...more about The Northwest eLearning Conference

A Survey of Online Teaching

by Brian Bergen-Aurand Faculty nationwide who have worked with instructional designers say they have enjoyed the experience and report that their courses have benefited from the collaboration, according to a survey recently published in Inside Higher Ed. 93% of faculty describe the experience as positive or very positive, and nearly 70% agree or strongly agree ...more about A Survey of Online Teaching

5 Ways to Use Canvas in Your Onground Classes

by George Rowe If you’re an instructor in a higher-education classroom, it’s unlikely you haven’t heard of or used the ‘flipped learning’ or ‘flipped classroom’ approach: students access course content online via video lectures and other multimedia, then come to class armed with questions and background knowledge ready to engage in guided, workshop-oriented tasks. Through ...more about 5 Ways to Use Canvas in Your Onground Classes