How to File a Disciplinary Appeal
Learn about disciplinary appeals and how students can file them.

What Is an Appeal?
It is a formal request for someone in authority to review a case and change a decision.
A student respondent may appeal a disciplinary action by filing a written notice of appeal. A notice of appeal is a written statement submitted to a conduct review officer. The BC conduct review officer is the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs or designee.
You can also appeal a disciplinary appeal by submitting it in person to U307 or by email to You must email from your official BC email account. Your appeal must include a statement explaining why you are appealing.
You must file your appeal within 21 days.
- If you appeal a disciplinary action within 21 days, you have the right to a prompt, fair and impartial hearing (WAC 132H-126).
- If you do not file an appeal within 21 days, you waive the right to appeal. That means the student conduct officer’s decision becomes final.
If the reported misconduct includes sexual misconduct by a student, the complainant (reporting party) may also file an appeal. They must also file their appeal within 21 days.
Academic Dismissals
Note that there is a different process to appeal academic dismissals because of grades.
Types of Appeal Hearings
There are two types of appeal hearings:
- A brief adjudicative proceeding or
- A hearing with the Student Conduct Committee
Your sanction determines the hearing type.
A conduct review officer holds a brief adjudicative proceeding if your sanction was:
- A suspension of 10 instructional days or less
- Disciplinary probation
- Written reprimand and/or
- Any conditions or terms imposed in conjunction with one of those disciplinary actions
The Student Conduct Committee hears appeals if your sanction was a suspension over 10 instructional days or a dismissal from the college.
For more information, read the Student Conduct Code (WAC 132H-126-130).